Thursday, March 21, 2019


Today was my yearly mammogram.
I have been going faithfully for thirty-three years, don't bother counting the years, because I started before there were age restrictions, yes so quite some time ago.
My Mom had breast cancer at the same age I am now and had to have a radical mastectomy, removal of her right breast back in 1980! She was given no other choices, if found remove.

Times have changed thankfully and not all women have to succumb to that procedure unless there is no other choice.
I was fortunate the three times they found something suspicious were in 1992, hyperplasia ductal, was my left, then again in 2002 bi-lateral both breasts benign, all of those were surgical biopsies lumpectomies, the last time was 2012 my right stereotactic, also lumpectomy/biopsy, also benign.

So when they came out with the 3D mammography a few years ago I was all in! More photo slices without unnecessary surgical ones!
The purpose was to prevent or at least slow down all the false positives! I was not alone, I'm sure you have your own stories to tell!
The last couple of years this one and only machine of this type in our county has been so quick and precise that radiologist at the facility were able to tell you the good news immediately!
And they give out the sweetest roses ever there!

Any-who, this year they said apparently they had more takers than medical personnel to read them all immediately, and so now you must wait.
The normal wait time of two to five days, only because this is Thursday, and I have the weekend to contend with, oh well.
And concern that my Mom was this age when she was diagnosed with breast cancer and her harsh to understand back then radical mastectomy, and passed away two years later, but from a massive stroke.
So yeah, this is a nerve-racking time for me. But according to my previous experiences with them finding something I have three more years till then, odd frequency of 1992,2002, then logically 2022? Now why wouldn't you find that seriously unusual at the very least or impossible?

Ahhhhhhhhhhh sweet, make that unsweet mysteries of life!
I'm befuddled.

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

And take care of those tatas as we all should! 

Speaking My Mind: System? Storm? Hurricane?

Speaking My Mind: System? Storm? Hurricane? :   There is a possibility of a storm or a hurricane named Helene coming by us, nearby us, or at...