Friday, March 8, 2019

Scams online scams on the phone scams in the mail scams in brick and motor stores scams??????????

Violence for no reasons, rudeness everywhere!
What has happened to this world???????

Whew, breathe in and out deeply...oh... to be mindful...Om.

All I feel that I can do, and you?
What do you do?

Detox, turn off reality in the form of technical devices.
Hard when I need to write this nightly.
In my idea book, with my smart phone by my side for references, needs.
The TV news is off, used to multi-task with it on, now I have difficulty concentrating with it on...times do change.

Why would any of us think that in 2019 we would have so many hateful people on the planet?
I thought history taught us that was WRONG!
Climate change we were all warned, and yet no one did any significant changes to help it stop, perhaps too late we were informed, since it is here now!

I suppose that my days are numbered, but whose aren't really?
But with ills that have no significant ways to cure, sure I am scared, but it is a normal process, as someone I know once said so annoyingly prolifically stated, "first you're born, then you live then you die". My imprint will be small, but verbose, since I have left nearly four thousand blogs to date, and may very well leave many more, good luck with that WORLD! I am now sticking out my adult tongue out at the entire world, grow a pair, and be kind rewind!

These are my unique pearls of wisdom from my tiny brain, ""Got to keep moving or someone might throw dirt on me." (Although not so much anymore, but moving just enough to fool them!)
The only alternative to not growing old is dead, so I hope we all grow as old as we can!
Keep smiling it fools the brain!
Those quotations are of my own writings, by the way... I suppose most knew that, if they tried to find out from where they came, LOL!"


Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

Speaking My Mind: Moving on...

Speaking My Mind: Moving on... :   Have you noticed how calling rooms are running rampant??? One day we had the same guy calling nine times ...