Thursday, March 7, 2019

More challenges tonight!

I cut the tip of my middle finger on my right hand!
On what I do not know, all I know is it wouldn't stop bleeding and I made a bloody mess all over the bathroom while looking for a comb... at that point I was unaware I had cut my finger!
When I saw all the blood I became woozy, but I did not faint; due to it being all over the one shutter the right sided one, of the cabinet above the toilet and the toilet seat and even the pedestal sink!
Fortunately, all washable surfaces.
Hubby helped with the two Band-Aids, yep, one on top and one on the side, thus how big it was.
Damn, I hate not feeling these boo-boos!

I ordered my cannabis oil today, last night the state health department sent me the approval notice and card and the regular one will be coming in the snail mail!

Then tonight I heard on our local news that someone in our state government is trying to make it illegal to sell the medical cannabis oil and arrest all who have it in their possession!
That's all I need to go along with all my pain and my tremors and jumpy eyes, and paresthesia all over the place, oh what fun a raid on our home due to possession of medical grade cannabis oil!
With my husband being a retired deputy et al!  Come on bring 'em on!

My eyes seem worse than usual not even a magnifying glass helped me to see a phone number I needed off a gift card I was given!

Happy good night all!

Count your blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

Damn! That cursor left my line of sight, and I use that term in its truest meaning!


Speaking My Mind: Moving on...

Speaking My Mind: Moving on... :   Have you noticed how calling rooms are running rampant??? One day we had the same guy calling nine times ...