Sunday, March 17, 2019

Lucidity is but a narrow window, so allow me to scury through...

Tonight the clarity in my sight and mind appear to be in sync.
Not the boy band, ability to try to write more intimate and elaborative prose.
I feel my head telling me it may close sooner rather than later!
That is my window of opportunity to express my today's thoughts or deeds, so let me hurry!
Mostly thoughts, deeds are not so many.

Happy St. Patrick's Day to us Irish people, and yes, I am two percent Irish according to, so there!
Any-who, I have found that all people become Irish on this fun-filled occasion, and even wear buttons touting that too to, KISS ME I'M IRISH!
Not necessarily the best idea with it being flu season and all, and measles...get those kids immunized!
Many organizations have free transportation for those who have imbibed too much, call them!

I did think about folding the load of wash in the dryer, but the need left me swiftly.
Oh wait, I did prepare our corned beef in the slower cooker, with adding in its cabbage later, both are keto acceptable. But no yellow onions, potatoes nor carrots due to nothing that grows in the ground being allowed!
So I made Swiss chard soup from my keto recipe book.
I so do miss potatoes and bread, and ice cream, although there is even a recipe for that!
It will be just a week for me tomorrow on this lifestyle changing diet.

Yesterday, was the end of my first week on the cannabis oil, and now that the dosages appear to be right and I do believe it is working... the first test will be either a car or boat ride outside of my areas of comfort. This time hoping for good vibrations!
Those final tests are up to me via Hubby's driving me by either modes of transportations.

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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Speaking My Mind: System? Storm? Hurricane?

Speaking My Mind: System? Storm? Hurricane? :   There is a possibility of a storm or a hurricane named Helene coming by us, nearby us, or at...