Saturday, March 16, 2019

My mind is all over the place, but here for some reason.

Perhaps, it's just as simple as focusing on the task at hand.
Who knows.
My brain is wandering all over the map!
And my eyes follow my brain as it leads!
Where it might take me should be a wild ride?

Or could some of this be provoked by my cannabis oil flurries?
No, I have not had any of those so-called scary fun reactions, nothing psychedelic here, oh darn!
By the time I start writing this drivel I have been dosed twice!
The drugging goes every six hours, 9, 3, 9, daily, and so far, today, I have conformed to the plan in a timely fashion.
One more ingested dose to come; the decaffeinated green tea with the stevia works as a fine catalyst for the potions.

Hubby is blissfully watching a 1990 concert on PBS; I can hear him singing along.

Dinner was shared with Hubby although Keto, and he has not had any meals of mine yet, until now that is, simple cubed chicken breasts fried in garlic infused olive oil, served over a bed of spaghetti squash that had been oven baked for forty minutes in a 400 degree oven, after avocado oil and salt and pepper had been drizzled over the two halves turned face down in the baking dish, ours a Pyrex glass 9"X11" pan.
He even helped me make it for the first time.
There were two chicken breasts and s the other one has a future in many connotations of dinners!

I have a neat brownie recipe too that is keto and no I will not be infusing them with cannabis oil!
Apparently, the amount is difficult to judge for an even disbursement.

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

Speaking My Mind: System? Storm? Hurricane?

Speaking My Mind: System? Storm? Hurricane? :   There is a possibility of a storm or a hurricane named Helene coming by us, nearby us, or at...