Tuesday, March 5, 2019

I took another online test that I find entertaining.

And Geez, I appear to score quite high on most of these tests, but of course like most out there I do take ones I feel I can ace, so I do. LOL.
I might be wrong about you, but not me.
Insecurity gets a boost, so why not, really? Reassurance that the ole brain still works?

Anything, from the last fifty years I surprise myself like a savant! Idiot savant called that for a reason, truly! Although, a glimmer of hope for parents of severely mentally challenged children, and it is never funny or taken lightly!

A neighbor's child when I was just a child was diagnosed that after being left with many deficits being a victim in the womb of having an older sibling with measles!
Now that was in the 1950s and there wasn't any inoculations against the MEASLES available back then, sadly this was a common occurrence, both the parent and the child were totally unaware of what would or could happen in those days...BUT TODAY! Shame on you!
Have your children immunized! VACCINATE!
Free at most health care facilities, no excuses!

Oh and this young girl who had this scary fate happen beyond her control had this amazing ability to play the family piano! The whole family was musical, sang in church and everything! And so I suppose it was nature and nurture?
To me it made her even more special!

Moving on...

Unfortunately, on my excitement meter, not too much happening here... oh wait, I got another call from the solar people who nearly swear that you can have your whole house solar paneled for free with government subsidies, yeah and I have a bridge to sell you too!

Any-who, they are supposed to email when they are coming over.
I have this incessant need to remind strangers that Hubby is retired law enforcement to sort of let them know we are a very strong team and can read most BS meters pretty well, I guess, so there!

They made arrangements to be here tomorrow morning at ten A.M., so I am relying on all of you if something bad should happen, hmm?
The first sign would be me not posting tomorrow night, so by then it would be too late!
Okay, maybe I could go on Facebook after to report on how it went? They say our state, even our major electric supplier does commercials on turning our whole state solar, i.e. FPL Florida Power and Light, PS our son, younger one is their CFO... so you kind of have to become a believer, ya know?
Well, tomorrow we will know for sure.

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

Next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

Speaking My Mind: Moving on...

Speaking My Mind: Moving on... :   Have you noticed how calling rooms are running rampant??? One day we had the same guy calling nine times ...