Thursday, February 14, 2019

Valentine's Day 2019!

Sadly some are never going to be able to celebrate this holiday meant for love ever again... the 17 teenagers from Parkland Florida that were massacred just a year ago; a mere one hundred miles across our state from us.
The remaining children who survived had today off from the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas high school where the brutal slaughter occurred horrifically it will forever be etched in their brains. So our prayers and love to each one of them should be forever!
And listen to their mission to prevent this from ever happening again by having stricter gun registrations!

This day like many also brings forth the memory of loved ones who also passed either from illnesses or natural causes, if luckily very old age for some, not old enough for others.
Yes, in a perfect world everyone would live to one hundred!
In reality we know that doesn't happen often enough.

I would be amiss to not mention the joy of this day for Hubby and I, since we have been married as of tonight at 6:30 p.m. for forty-eight years!
Miraculous for some.
My own parents did not make it to this length of time due to my Mom's passing 2-15-82 less than a month from their forty-first wedding anniversary 3-9-41, but this was both their second marriages, and what that makes me realize how truly lucky we are!

Although, my parents never had loud disagreements and were from the era of never go to bed angry at one another, resolve all disagreement before getting into bed. And that worked beautifully for them, but not all people are the same and generations are all different too.
We are extremely different than my parents, and yes we argued loudly and on occasion still do, but not so much.

What I think works for us is nothing is worth the disagreement, so either the ridiculous ness of our emotions realizes that and so we just stop! I believe we understand compromise, and always remember why we fell in love in the first place all those years ago!.

It has taken a while to adjust to know when to pick your battles, but oddly enough we agree about more  than we disagree, life is crazy like that!
Our upbringings couldn't be more different, but somehow we have evolved into nearly the same beliefs from religion to politics!

He grew up in a Republican Catholic family with a single parent home being the middle of two siblings and I on the other hand grew up in a Democratic Jewish family with both parents and me the only at home youngest child that alone should have meant failure, my half brother was nineteen years older than me and only came home to live sporadically, but we beat the odds, and so that is why it is amazing that we have chosen to believe the same way and about the same things!

The above is a weird analysis of why I think it works, but I am no psychologist
Although, have you noticed how many that analyze these things like marriages are not married or the ones who tell you how to parent have no children?
That's one of my pet peeves is people assuming to know more about something when you were down in the trenches actually living the experience! And still are!

To be exact I did study psychology for a coupe of years, but as we all know there is much to be said about common sense, hmm?

On that note everyone even my friends that have recently become widows or widowers hold your families close, since I know you do have those adult children, a fine oxymoron, and their children and know that you have their love today and everyday!

Happy good night to all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

And for many Happy Valentine's Day!

Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel!

Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel! : ...Sorry about that! But where can we go from here? Talk about the election by not talking ...