Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Supplements are they a good idea?

As it is I take lotsa vitamins and as we all know carrying that list with medication lists are very important for any physicians to see to check for drug interaction!

Years ago when we lived in Punta Gorda Florida for just short of four years along the Peace River with the most heavenly sunsets ever! It suited our needs while selling our home on the other coast we had bought a two year old fifth wheel trailer even had a washer dryer new that we had bought from Sears. We had had it in this home too that washer and dryer, and only replaced it with the same type another Kenmore stackable a little over two years ago. The thing lasted about twenty years, perfect for just two!

There was a woman who lived in this RV/mobile home park that was a snowbird many were there, the salt of the earth types, her name was Wilda, odd rhymes with my other name, other than Tobi that is...anyway. Wilda was a senior citizen and on so many medications she got so frustrated one day and due to her forgetfulness for when she was supposed to take them all... she horrifically took them all at once, and DIED!
This was way back in the late 1990s, in the last century.
It was around that same time I got involved with the Arthritis Foundation, I became a certified aquatics instructor, co-president of the support group, a fund raiser, a board member, they trained me to teach a self help class and to become a grant writer, actually the last two were via the state health department... anyway, Wilda's story stuck with me and made me passionately warning all the seniors I worked with back then; their mean age was seventy-five, and I was in my mid to late forties then.
The class to teach self help confirmed the importance of taking a list with you of not just your prescribed medications, but every vitamin or supplement too and whether they were time sensitive as well!

And that is why out of my frustration of not having anymore medications for my type of secondary progressive MS I fell victim/possible customer to an online informercial about a super duper supplement that will help so many of my ailments from inflammation to cholesterol et al!
So I got the promise of the additional discount and all for ordering now... who would have thunk it that I would be that gullible/or maybe smart? It does come with a ninety day full refund!

Any-who, it is scheduled to arrive the day before I go to see my neuro, yep I made another appointment, this not being able to go anywhere due to pain after, really stinks!

So I will be showing it to her, my neuro and get her feedback, I hope.

Well, that's the plan, wish me luck!

Happy good night all!

Count your blessings and we will too!

 And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel!

Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel! : ...Sorry about that! But where can we go from here? Talk about the election by not talking ...