Friday, February 15, 2019

Beta-Glucan, I have bought a six months supply, and it arrived today! Good idea? Or a big mistake?

With a ninety day ability to get a refund that is if for any reason I am not happy with the product?
Have any of you taken this particular supplement?
Here's the info not from them though, a non-partisan one, an explanation:

Actually, sounds like it is my hopeful answer to helping myself get/feel better! But then will I become addicted to this supplement?

I still will wait until next Wednesday to try my already delivered, as of today, supplement. This is what I had mentioned a few nights ago when asking everyone about if they took or are taking supplements!

My next step was to discuss medical marijuana with my neurologist, and that as another possible remedy for this G-d awful pain from my SPMS?
I am running out of options!

And yes, I never tried pot as a child/teen in the 1960s, I told all who offered it to me in high school and college that smoking cigarettes were bad enough and so I said NO! (Note: I quit smoking 7-11-06!)

These last few years to me it sounded so good for all people that had no other options to control pain, especially for cancer patients who not only it would help with the side effect of chemo but also regain their appetites from their use of medical quality cannabis. When I was thin back then and even twelve years ago if I had been in this much pain then I would have not hesitated, but with me being so enormous now that is why I have not requested it as a viable alternative, but some have told me I was incorrect this form of cannabis does not cause the munchies desire, and so now I can add it in as a request. Although, it has past as being legal in Florida many unusual glitches have occurred. The other issue is price, since it is not covered by insurance I think... oh well.

Maybe, the supplement will work?
Although, it too is not cheap even with the discount.
Hope it works!
I wonder once you start taking it how long it takes to actually feel results and is their an issue with my other supplements or medications.
Actually, I do believe I read that my specific medications were not a problem, but I did not think to check any of my current supplement that range from multiple vitamins to high amounts of B complex and B12, calcium and Ds and extra Ds as well as probiotics!
This too, Beta-Glucan, I believe is in that probiotics realm, hmmm, who would know?

Better ask my doc, if she knows, many doctors do not, nutritionists do.

Should find one. Or maybe one of you are out there reading this?

Happy good night all?

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel!

Speaking My Mind: Two days of the same drivel! : ...Sorry about that! But where can we go from here? Talk about the election by not talking ...