Thursday, January 31, 2019

Yesterday's blog was boring, wasn't it?

Or it could be just me who was bored... short attention span and all... an advantage with so many things, truly!
I was never diagnosed with attention deficit disorder or hyper activity as so many children over the years have been labeled.
When I was a child it was called... just being a kid?
Our children's generation, gen X'ers were labeled all sorts of things, and many times there were mistakes. I recall one of my sons' friends felt being on Ritalin was nearly fashionable... well that is a bit harsh, but he had no qualms about the label that went along with his medication.
To me he was a fine young man that the medication must have been necessary and was well loved and diagnosed correctly!
But many weren't.

Back to the advantage of a short attention span, well I have never become diagnosed clinically depressed even with my home being destroyed around me during a hurricane or due to my Multiple sclerosis diagnosis that is now more progressive than before, due to my eyesight getting worse, more frequent headaches too, and my hands, arms, and shoulders' pain and numbness even with additional gabapentin and baclofen, icing is more frequent, and the paresthesia emanating from thighs that have been numb since 2015 now it goes down both legs to my heels and feet, scary! I was actually showing symptoms of Secondary Progressive Multiple sclerosis in 2015 with the paresthesia in all my seven injection sites for Copaxone, but is was blamed on the Ampyra, so glad I checked online before the FDA contacted me to find out my experience that through observing all those trains of conversations sites on side effects of certain meds, no one else had paresthesia from Ampyra! In 2016 is when it was confirmed that I had SPMS as we call it, and that is when my Permobil M300 chariot was prescribed for me by my neurologist at the time Dr. Negroski at the MS Center in Sarasota Florida.

But on the brighter side our weather here in Southwest Florida is going back up to the 80s by Saturday! And I told Hubby I would like to try going out on our boat this weekend again. Last time the vibrations caused more pain, and we have a pontoon boat!
The water is supposed to be smooth, and that is good with little wind, all for an easier rider!

Boy did this take a turn to the darker side, please forgive!

Or not.

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

Oh, I had forgotten to mention last night that Hubby and I were partners in three businesses too over the years, underground sprinkler company, wicker store and a restaurant!
A lot of stuff over many years, although we had the wicker store and underground sprinkler company at the same time.

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