Friday, February 1, 2019

Google + will be shutting down on April 2, 2019

And no, BlogSpot, this blog is on WHEW, is not included in the shutdown nor Gmail as far as I have found through my extensive (mini research, so not really) into the matter.
Yesterday, for a short time I went into panic mode, trying to recall how many of those stick things for info I had, I think it is three, but I had stuff on them, pictures mostly, and my concern was my precious blogs, nearly eleven years worth how to install them all on one of those stick thingies, memory sticks! ( I just remembered their names, so logical!)

Any-who, all is well so far and if anyone knows anything different please inform me.
Although, what my intel that I gleaned from the net, Geez I sound sorta like a techy, hmm? Not really, hmm? Oh well...

Anyway, no answer necessary, since I cannot hear you, all is well or should be, but what if it isn't could someone confirm what I think I know to be true? Come on, if you know otherwise, please, please with a cherry on top?
Then I will have to DO SOMETHING! AND QUICK!

Apparently Google Plus is a social media enterprise that never ever really took off thus why the shutdown. I think that is what they said or someone online spewed out in a conversation train about the Google online experiment.

But some people who were scaring me with saying they do not know ever what Google might do or is thinking and could shut down anything anytime!


I am old and getting older if lucky that is...anxiety in sick old people is not a pretty sight!
And rare, so I am told, by most who, "got it altogether", unlike me I guess?

Meanwhile, have a happy good night!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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