Wednesday, January 30, 2019

New post again!

After nearly eleven years of doing this, so I may have used titles before.
Hard to go back and check.
This is one of the few things that I have stuck with over the years.
Of course our marriage that will be forty-eight years in just a few weeks, not counting our relationship altogether will be fifty-two years this August 31st, we met that day in 1967 when starting our jobs at Orbach's, at the Bergen Mall in Paramus NJ, just before our senior year of high school!
We would have never met except for that store for we lived in two different towns and went to two different high schools! Hubby was assigned to the men's wear department and for some reason they put me in the children's department. The rest rooms were upstairs by my department due to expectant mothers, and so everyone eventually had to go up there.

Forgive, I digress...
My other long term involvements were, now get your minds out of the gutter were my commitments to non-profits on and off for forty years, from special kids to scouts to PAL, to sports, soccer to in-line skating... to individual diseases I was willing to volunteer! And so I did in all capacities from board member to teaching classes to fundraising to collecting monies door to door! Helped after Hurricane Andrew 1992 with triage with the veterinarians in Homestead Florida.

Any-who, money jobs were according to the needs of the family and expecting children.
Although, I have run the gamut from sales clerk, credit manager, floor manager in department stores, and even a district manager for an international company where I drove three thousand miles a month hiring, training, doing payroll and firing people. I have worked in promotion with MTV, NASCAR, booking bands in clubs hotels and colleges for weddings and New Year's Eve etc., even got to work on a music video, did casting for a national commercial, and for wrestling show!

*Accidently just posted without completion, sorry!

My point is I stuck with things that were important to me, as for some strange reason this BLOG!
I have said it is my sanity!
And that is not that far from the truth, great sounding board, and fun to realize how many commonalties we all have in thoughts and practices.

Anyway, let me just say to all of you happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

*So I must admit that I did lose my train of thought so perhaps tomorrow I will recall what I had wanted to say!

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