Monday, January 21, 2019

The X Factor!

Gabapentin/Neurontin wasn't the cause of my Nystagmus and Tremor my chronic kidney disease was! But now since it is under control I was given the go ahead to up my dosage of Gabapentin back to 300 mg. morning and 300 mg. at bedtime with an optional additional mid day of 300mg. if needed in the future!
My Baclofen too has been upped from 60mg. daily now to 80mg.!
All per Dr. Montoya, my neurologist, and yay!
Hopefully I will be a prisoner no more!

This wonderful doctor with an amazing staff that gets back to you in a timely fashion, also has prescribed an echo cardiogram and carotid ultrasound, yay again!
Answers, and then doing whatever there is to do I will do!
And yes, it has been determined that I am definitely in SPMS, Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis that is the one of the two types that shows no improvement with disability progressing... oh well!
This is the natural course of progression for 50% of people with MS thus why no medication will do anything, since non active SPMS has no approved medications for treatment...YET!

Moving on...

On the brighter side...
Hubby has gone to Bocca Lupo Coal Fired Pizza for our Super Full Blood Wolf Moon half price pizza!


Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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