Tuesday, January 22, 2019

So much to discuss and notate ...

First of all did you know that since 2005 that there has been a clear cut link from sleep Apnea to stroke?https://www.webmd.com/sleep-disorders/sleep-apnea/news/20051109/new-stroke-risk-factor-sleep-apnea#1

We all believed it was true even me in the 1980's and before, since I was a teen decades before that and my parents' snoring used to lull me to sleep! Although, not all snoring is sleep Apnea, Hubby's sleep test showed his isn't, but mine showed it was, and so since 2016 I have a CPAP for that nasty sleep Apnea.
That said, not only that connection, but my parents and my brother all died from strokes and they were in their seventies!
As I edge closer to that age, these days I am so happy to get older, but am fearful rightfully so..., oh wait my mom was seventy in 1982 when she passed and dad was 79 in 1986  when he passed, and my brother who was nineteen years older than me was 75 in 2006 when he died.

And I have just a little less than a year and a half till I arrive in my seventies, i.e. if I am lucky!
These days when I had my first TIA, mini stroke was way back in 2006 while under MRI looking for my MS lesions the neurologist saw it so he said. He put me on 81mg. of coated aspirin then and since I have not had any or so I thought...

You see, my mom had had two years of TIAs or mini strokes and whenever we would meet for lunch she would leave in an ambulance, and once at the hospital they couldn't find anything wrong, back in 1980-1. Two years later in 1982 is when she had her massive stroke and died in eleven and half hours. So the conclusion is and was that mini TIAs are warning shots thrown! So today they are well observed and not taken lightly, so don't!

Apparently, my blurry vision and my numbness in my arm have been TIA related thus the carotid ultrasound and echocardiogram need by the good Dr. Montoya my neurologist.
And here I thought they were cervical/thoracic stenosis or Multiple sclerosis optic neuritis related! Since I have all those too!
All the above makes my life much more complicated to figure out what is causing what!
I much prefer simplicity.

Oh well...

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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Speaking My Mind: When was the last time you wrote something?

Speaking My Mind: When was the last time you wrote something? :   ...anything other than a business report, check, or, some-other necessity?...