Sunday, January 20, 2019

Last night...

With our China City dinners, one lobster lo mien and one boneless ribs combo with fried rice and egg roll, plus a large egg drop soup all that came with four fortune cookies!

Hubby's were, " A clear conscience is usually a sign of a bad memory." plus "Be careful or you could fall for some tricks today." Rather self explanatory methinks it speaks of thee Orange Frothy Haired Guy, and fortunately no tricks were played on him.

Mine were, "Your dream life is rich-listen to your dreams." plus "Age can never hope to win you while your heart is young." Geez, do they know who they are giving them to? LOL, NO!!!!!!!!
I am old and decrepit, and many dreams are sad and scary and terribly upsetting... oh wait those are NIGHTMARES! Tell that second one to my wrinkles and crepe skin, yuck, HA! My brain is YOUNG, but that is not the same as the heart, is it? My heart is full of arteriosclerosis plaques throughout the aortic arch*!

Any-who, those above mentioned meals have gone for another lunch and yet there is still more for more! Nothing like getting your moneys worth!

Food, food, and more food, and good morning news shows then off to the races of binge watching Grace and Frankie, almost completed their fifth season already!
I'm a glassy eyed witch these days! And me with blurry eyes to begin with, but I throw caution to the wind and watch, watch, watch!

I had also watched, weeks ago when it first came out Sandra Bullock in The Bird Box that I had told Hubby about to watch due to me saying that it was really something and quite amazing.
All before all its reputation was compromised and before that dangerous craze began.
That is a shame, great flick and will probably go down in the annals of movie history as being just that and more, and also many awards should be had for the writers and the cast.
Mark my words.

The majority of quality programs are very good in my opinion from all accessible venues, and I have quite eclectic tastes, as my mention of the Marvel super heroes with the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel shows!
I love UK, Canadian, and Australian mysteries for some reason better than our own in the US that could be because the offerings are mostly ones that have appeared on our networks that I have seen already!

Who knows.

Now where to go, where to go?

Almost all done with the two that just updated due to me having nothing better to do than stream, stream, stream or is that binge, binge, and binge some more?
Anyway you look at it I have way too much time on my hands!
And seriously, I wish that I didn't.

Next week I have two doctor visits. I had had three, one additional to the nephrologist, but my kidneys GFR went up from 32 to 57 to 70 so I cancelled again!
<60 32="" 374="" 60="" 82="" a="" again="" all="" am="" an="" and="" being="" blood="" by="" casanova="" causing="" ckd="" diabetic="" doctor="" down="" dr.="" due="" ending="" exacerbations.="" for="" former="" gfr="" given="" glucose="" go="" have="" hospital="" i="" in="" infusion="" infusions="" insulin="" internist="" is="" it="" iv="" lack="" last="" lucky="" me="" mri.="" multiple="" my="" neurologist="" never="" nice="" not="" of="" on="" once="" ordered="" out="" p="" pain="" patients="" prescribed="" proving="" reactions="" sclerosis="" see="" simple="" so="" solumedrol="" style="margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-top: 0px;" taken="" that="" the="" this="" to="" up="" was.="" was="" week="" when="" who="" with="" woods="" work="" x-rays="">
*The heart thing I mentioned above showed up on my most recent chest X-rays for my thoracic region and that is what the radiologist wrote!
Uh oh, and oh no!

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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