Saturday, January 19, 2019


To all the 1500 miles of our country that are in the path of horrid storms our hearts and prayers go out to all of you!
Here in Florida we are very lucky today we had another sunny mid 70s day with a few high winds, other than that we cannot complain!

But each day has been different this winter, and even as cold as high thirties overnight with actual wind chills! But thankfully no snow or even freezing rain which could be possible in those wee hours of the mornings!

So without concern this time of year of hurricanes it is still our dry/fire season so that is what most worry here about, but careful choices are helpful.
Do not throw cigarette butts from windows, do not park an overheated vehicle, make that any vehicle on grass, no burning of yard waste, etc. etc. etc. all simple common sense things NOT TO DO!

Moving on...

Please be aware that my incarceration as a prisoner in my own home continues!
Alright perhaps a bit too harsh, but it does seem that way to me.
I have not broken any laws, except the one of allowing my health to get to this point of no return!

Once again, my condition has for all intense purposes has caused me to not to be able to leave my dwelling due to my shabby non healthy condition also due to motor vehicles vibrating and creating more harm than good for me!
Hubby has sadly put the cover on our boat for now, not knowing if or when I will be able to travel in that smooth motion pontoon that it even had caused me pain! CRAZY!

Very sad.

Unfortunately, not boating nor car gallivanting here or there does allow me to stream more binge worthy shows and choose take out restaurants, and that is not too bad!

Any people out there have recommendations?

I have a 30 day free trial from Amazon prime ending in February that all I watched was the two seasons of the Marvelous Mrs. Maisel, well worth it!
I have since watched many HGTV shows on YouTube, as well as back to Netflix now with the Marvel violent show the Punisher's second season, that for some strange reason I enjoy and also Grace and Frankie's fifth season, both came back last night for their continuances!

The actress who plays Mrs. Maisel, Rachel Brosnahan will be hosting Saturday Night Live tonight, and yes, I will try to stay awake for that!

I suppose checking by texting my old northern chum for weather updates and Hubby as he goes out and about with mowing today!
He also chose China City for our dinners tonight! They gave us four fortune cookies that we had not opened yet...on that note.

Happy good night all!

Count your blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!  

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Speaking My Mind: Promises unjustified... apparently and thankfully,...

Speaking My Mind: Promises unjustified... apparently and thankfully,... : Apparently Saharan dust is mostly responsible... Why the Atlantic ...