Saturday, January 26, 2019

Lethal viruses!

A mass murder here, there and it seems everywhere!
Horrifically these gunmen, and yes, they have been all men, the one in Sebring Florida that killed five women in the bank who was captured is a twenty-one year old man, and now today in Louisiana another twenty-one year old man who killed five again, but is still at large!
What is happening to this world?

We have a wacko so-called leader of our country, and gun violence that everyone agrees is an issue and something should be done, but nothing seems to ever get done...because we have our legislative bodies taking too long to make any decisions to make America truly GREAT AGAIN!
All it takes is listening to their constituencies that they are working for, US!
I am sure that if Pres. DJ could he would slant these hostile irrational murderous incidences as being caused by the DEMS!
Let's face it nothing seems to ever get done!
Too many cooks in the kitchen, although we DEFINITELY NEED CHECKS AND BALANCES!
Why? You might ask... I'll tell you why as everyone knows this pres. has ruined our reputation in the world theater, but without checks and balances he could do so much more damage to our country with his hot-headed reactionary way of handling things in my logical opinion!

Perhaps that is why young men are going berserk?
Not caring enough about anything due to knowing the government of our fine country has hit the bottom!
Priorities should be people, all people!
Decency, love not hate!
Nothing good is being exemplified for the youngsters to have any hope!
We must change that!

My heart breaks whenever the news has another story about hate or illogical no reason violence, as I am sure all of you too must feel helpless then as well.
Not a good feeling, if only intervention came before it all happened...!

As I listen to more sirens nightly here, I wonder what are they for and why?
We had a shooting just blocks away, drug houses raided not too far from here either; just in these last few years, before I do not recall any at all.
And yes, we have been in this home over twenty years now.
Too old to move and too many things to move to bother.
Anyway, where would we go, just more of the same, everywhere, sadly.

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

Set good examples!

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Speaking My Mind: When was the last time you wrote something?

Speaking My Mind: When was the last time you wrote something? :   ...anything other than a business report, check, or, some-other necessity?...