Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Medicine protocol a learning experience.

I am now on my old dosage of 1800 Mg. a day of Gabapentin that is the prescribed dosing for severe pain to begin with... 3600 Mg. can be prescribed if necessary though in the future and gone up to slowly.
Odd sort of day, calling the docs, neuro and pain to inform them that the 400 Mg. did nothing so I Googled the proper dosage and found my old bottles nestled on the top shelf in the kitchen cupboard and yes, 1800 Mg. was up there, 600 Mg. 3X a day, is the right amount, and took 900 mg..

And so I felt so much better that Aussie got his weekly doggy bath and I did laundry, basically feeling very little pain, yay!
And no, I did not and still do not have my prescription that Dr. Valente my pain doctor's office has called in for a two weeks' supply so far.
In the interim my 100 Mg. nine pills at once is what I did last night and this morning and that is what worked and I told the pain center nurse as well as my neuro's nurse.

Both called back with the willingness to call in the prescription for me, and I had to tell Dr. Montoya's nurse, my neuro, thank you, but Dr. Valente's nurse, the pain doctor already called it in!

Earlier in the day the neuro's office said that they would not do it because it was now the pain center's responsibility, once you are their pain patient, thus my title, not stepping on toes; I guess?
Any-who, I am now feeling well cared for by my team of medical people.

Hubby received his date for his surgery also today, it will be early next month. 

I ate the rest of my Subway seafood salad salad (over a salad) with the last of my homemade clam chowder, and Hubby ate the rest of his meatball sub, he had gotten a foot long so two meals worth too.

Tonight Hubby is making a ham steak with mashed potatoes and peas and a side of pineapple, fast and easy and delish.

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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