Thursday, October 18, 2018

Chantal was my vampira for this month

Again I went to Labcorp, the suckers of my ruby fluid expelled via their needle for a sampling to see where all my markers stand, i.e: glucose, GFR for kidneys and all my liver enzymes and my white and red blood cells what they are up to or down to, ya know? And Chantal removed the specimen.
Within a few days I will gain access to my results once my doctor's receives them as well.

Moving on...

We also spoke with our roofing company since apparently, their roofing material delivery fork lift that placed the materials carefully on our roof via our front lawn left ruts that look like crop circles!
The issue is that some are so deep our new lawn guy said that he was hesitant to mow over them due to fear of damaging his lawn mower! So we called the roofing company and told them, and they looked at the lawn that is a month later and of course the lawn grew over the ruts, and at first they decided there was no problem. Below are pictures that were taken by Hubby right after the incident happened!
Even I at first did not think it was an issue and to me it looked rather interesting, but then again I have not walked on the front lawn for quite some time.
They are sending their sod guy to check it out within the next few days.
I still think that all it would take is some garden soil or even... dare I say plain old dirt to fill it in i.e. the ruts and all would be fine again! But what do I know?

Moving on once again...

I started my new 600 Mg. 3 X a day of Gabapentin at lunch time. You see, that it wasn't ready at the pharmacy when we were done at the vampira's. To keep the proper dosing I had taken six 100 Mg. of my home stock to be sure to continue the right dosage first thing this morning. The final day's dose is around bedtime.
Although, my pain is still quite severe.

The nurse from the hospital for my endoscopy and endoscopic ultrasound scheduled this Monday called to take all my information of medications and allergies, as well as previous surgeries. And as most know she went through all the dos and don'ts for the procedures. She also asked my pain level and I admitted that it was severe, and on the scale from 1-10 I had said that it was a 25, but then I said ten. Even with the Gabapentin when I am due for the additional dosing the pain swamps over me with a vengeance! I was told which medications I can take before the procedures.
I will be put out as they do do for even this out patient procedure.
I did have this procedure two and half years ago, and the only result was that I had a small hiatal hernia. My Dad also had had a hiatal hernia that every few months he had to have stretched in his esophagus that was way back in the 1970s and 80s.
That is what they did in those days, these days they make you take antacids. At least that's what they did with me.

Happy good night all!

Count your blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!


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