Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Frustrating and painful night and day

I had been up most of the night in pain that has been emanating from my back and stomach/ rib cage area on my left side. I guess it is good that it's not my right side where most of the liver is, although the left quadrant is on the left side... uh oh, not good!? For the pain I had been icing the areas and taking Gabapentin 100 mg. only 2 X, but it still was not working. So at around eight thirty A.M. I called my internist's nurse and left a message saying what had been going on and asking her if she had any other ideas for me to try, but by twelve thirty P.M. I still had not heard back. I said to Hubby that I was at a loss of what to do and that he might have to take me to the hospital. I called the internist office again and left another message, and then thought "pain", I should call the Pain Center where I am scheduled to go next week for my Thoracic RFA, and so I did! I left a message on their office voice mail and in less than an hour I heard back from their X-ray technician? Yeah, I know, but she knew too! She suggested logically to switch over to heat, duh, and take another Gabapentin three 100 mg. a day, and so I did! Within a short time I fell asleep! I felt a little bit better until I tried to get up,
Now I am considering that my fall in the bathroom a week ago Saturday when I slipped and fell on my kneecap might have reverberated into my upper torso causing another herniation or some other dislocation there where I already have stenosis too, or who- knows-what?
 All I know is that in that area I cannot straighten up and it is very painful when I try!

After all was said and done my internist's receptionist called back around four asking me if I wanted to make an appointment or call the pain center? I said I did already. Hubby thinks perhaps it is time to find another internist? I agreed, but I really don't need to see them, internists, that much since I have a PPO. I see my body parts people. But for him, yes, since he chose an HMO and he does need a "gatekeeper", as they are called.

Moving on...

Any-who, Hubby had his final eye specialist check up this morning, on his surgery of his infected cysts alongside of his right eye, and he passed with flying colors!
The doctor said he was now able to schedule his eyelids to be fixed and other side, left sided cysts to be surgically removed. And that will be done within the next few weeks, yay!

He had come home for lunch and we had my homemade clam chowder that I made yesterday, and then he went out to Publix for our short list of groceries!
Our lawn guy showed up and mowed, it had been two weeks and Hubby was tempted to try to do it again, but sadly the outside temperature was in the feels like triple digits. So he called the guy back!
The early day rains had apparently thrown off the lawn guy's schedule, but also made the grass grow a lot!
Oh well, all done now.

Amazingly, Hubby reported that the overgrown lot next door that we were at our wit's end telling Code Enforcement about over and over again that it needed attention due to its unsightliness and that the wildlife had taken up residency there and that it was too close for comfort.... today it has been mowed in its entirety!

The county had for a while, about two times only had mowed the first fifteen feet into the lot, but the rest had remained untouched until today!
Hubby said to me to go to the GIS map, property map, to check to see if it had been sold again, but no the same Canadian fake company is listed as the owner!
You see, we had tried first to contact the owner about the issue, but it was a dead end.
So good news for now, I suppose, all clean and neat next door too with us, for a change!

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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