Monday, October 15, 2018

Food and dogs

Did you know that certain people foods are good for dogs while others are not and can be deadly?
So, now this might sound odd to some but Hubby went to Cracker Barrel last night for our broiled lemon pepper rainbow trout with three sides each for dinner(s) at around ten bucks each plus tax $22.88 total, and since the fillets are two in each and the sides are also so abundant we always have more than one serving, and yes, last night was one and tonight was the second, that is not weird, but...little ten pound gal Bella has begun begging. I know, I know not right to give in to that!
I had ordered for my sides due to my tummy cooked carrots, mashed potatoes and mixed cooked vegetables, but they were out of the mixed seasonal veggies so I opted for their small green salad but with my tummy-ache not such a good idea.

Lately I have been eating in bed more often than not due to all my pained areas, even when I make  the meal myself like the homemade clam chowder I made for lunch today, it's just more comfortable lying down.

Anyway, the furry kids most recently went to the European style of eating of two meals a day, with one in the morning and one in the evening. Aussie gets two one and half cups each time of adult and puppy kibbles, and Bella gets her three quarter cup divided in two servings as well.

Although, both get snacks of Milk Bones in between meals, size appropriate for each.
Well, tonight as I was eating the rest of my dinner of trout, mashed potatoes and carrots and green salad I checked each item online for dog safety and the trout was fine and healthy, the carrots too, as well as all lettuces, and since I only had three carrots left I had asked Hubby to add in my Japanese frozen veggies that consisted mostly of broccoli and that too is great for your puppy, and so Bella and I shared!
The potatoes and gravy were a no no, since the gravy could have onions or garlic in it those are both toxic for dogs, but pretty much everything else was OKAY! Plain potatoes would have been fine though.
No blue cheese dressing either that too is a bad choice and toxic for dogs.
Most cheeses have too much salt for them too, except, mozzarella and cottage cheese that Googled  information said! 

She had eaten her kibbles entirely before she aided and abetted me, my logic was that she would get additional vitamins and I will be eating that much less, a win, win!
After we did that gluttonous display I had second thoughts of my tiny cutie becoming a fatty unhealthy child/dog!
Although, this is not a daily or even a weekly event I had second thoughts.
Bella, our Morkie, Maltese Yorkie, had so much fun that she appeared to be smiling and after she went out and ran around the yard, not unlike Skipper's Bichon blitz days!
And that made me smile and realize with all that energy she was not likely to get unhealthily fat, and so I sighed and felt less guilty.

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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