Friday, October 12, 2018

Good day, bad day, good day, bad day...etc.

Another one of those.
In spite of all my chronic disease maladies these last few weeks have been made nastier from stupid accidents added into the mix!

You all might recall that I had smashed my right foot in the door and it bruised to the point that I did have an X-ray, but alas it was not broken, thankfully! Although now, a few weeks after it had happened it is still slightly bruised and very sore!
Then this past Saturday while transferring from my walker after showering Bella in the roll in shower it was my turn and and I slipped on the floor moving my walker, and landed hard on my left kneecap onto the tile floor and it swelled and bruised immediately! I had trouble getting up even with the walker locked, Hubby did help me.
More ice has been used and at this point it has gotten much better. I again waited to see if there was a need for an X-ray and in my opinion it was not broken, but still is minimalistically discolored and sore as well.
Then last night I smashed my head into the freezer door as I was closing it!
My coordination is getting so much worse, I really am safer in bed! HA! No, not funny at all!

The region of my chest is sore also from whatever is going on there, from my stomach problems as well as my thoracic stenosis! Both getting taken care of with the proper docs in the next few weeks.

So here I lie in bed with four ice packs in locations that are needy of their effects!
I again had coffee at two A.M. for my headache!

My eyes go blurry in and out, but lately it has been caused more by my endurance streaming of Netflix than any of my usual eye disorders of optic neuritis or optic neuropathy!
See, bad day (s).

Leaving the house via car and then using my motorized wheelchair is my safest mode of transportation!
Our home has too narrow doorways due to being sixty years old for me to utilize it in the house without damaging the walls that still need painting from all the chips that I took out with even just the walker, for shame!
When I have tried the motorized chair in here it was like bumper cars, much more dangerous!
I need a narrower chair, I have this one for two and half more years and then I will be able to get a smaller lighter new one paid for by my insurance.
See that is the catch 22, I am literally stuck with this one until May of 2021, five years from May of 2016!

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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