And so out we went on our Miss "T" 2, or Misty, my first name initial and the character's name in my five novellas, not the four of us miscounted! ( The "2" stands for the second boat that we had named this, the first was our deck boat when we first moved into this house, our Sea Hunt fishing boat was named, "Seas the Day", and our large Catalina weekender Chriscraft was named BLISS, for our business and what it does mean, but our business was Bamber Lake Irrigation and Sales and Service that was while in NJ, our Bayliner, water ski boat on the other coast here in Florida was nameless)
Today was Bella's first time, and Aussie's return to his ecstasy!
As you can tell by the expression on his face! And you thought they were all the same picture, ha!
So much in the moments of the enjoyment that the fact that Bella was sitting on him, he seemed to not even mind one little iota!
These next pictures are of the wonky walkway that Allegiant Sunseeker Resort has begun to build as an under bridge pathway, I think.
The water was calm and the bait fish were jumping and the pelicans and gulls were having a smorgasbord, and all appears to be fine now with our waterways here in paradise USA!
When Hurricane Michael skimmed a few hundred miles off of our coast on its way to destruction in our Florida panhandle seven hours away from us he helped us a bit with clearing out our waterways. Good and bad come from many things.
All in all I do believe if Bella could talk she would have said it was a very good day!
Horrifically, our panhandle suffered much devastation and loss of life is still mounting and being counted. Sadness does not preclude our understanding of any of that; we are just lucky this time.
Prayers to our neighbors, and all states affected by nature's wrath!
Happy good night all!
Count those blessings and we will too!
And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!
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