Saturday, September 22, 2018


                                          This it what we did with the other ball of pizza dough from Publix bakery!
                                          Their brand of part skim mozzarella, and Ragu's new Simply Marinara                                                  Sauce with simply pure ingredients! Plain again for Hubby and mine with                                              turkey breakfast sausage cut up, frozen spinach and mushrooms and a                                                    quarter of a yellow onion chopped. All pre-cooked sauteed in extra virgin                                              olive oil then sprinkled on half the rectangle pizza! 


Moving on...

We do have another heavy duty rain storm coming in.

That possible weather issue is now five more possibilities of those tropical depressions turning into something more with a range from 20% to 70%, who knows by the time I publish this we  might have names for all of them meaning that they are true tropical storms and yes we do have KIRK! Goto the hot key below for more info on developing systems in the Atlantic!

I am speechless! Happy our roof is done!

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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