Friday, September 21, 2018

Day 2

Hubby had his first follow-up eye surgical appointment this morning, and no one was there!
One tech did arrive about a half hour later, and had to ask for an assist from another, and both had to phone the doctor three times for Hubby's infection was unique, and the packing of gauze was extreme! When they pulled the very long pieces out they went from the corner of his right eye past his chin in length, just the one, there were several! Consequently, it was a very, very painful removal process for Hubby! No numbing agents were used this time!
But according to their report the infection had been removed!
Hubby's sore does look much less swollen and although it is an open wound at this time, it does appear with the shiny ointment that is a combination antibiotic/steroid less angry and severe.
His temperature today has been normal!
And he will remain on the very strong oral antibiotic, Augmentin 875-125 mg. 2X a day.
Used for Anthrax and dog bites and such!
 And of course severe infections like Hubby's!

Moving on...

I made homemade chicken soup from our rotisserie chicken carcass, still had some meat left on it, placed in the pressure cooker with celery, onions, sage, Rosemary, Thyme, bay leaf, garlic powder, Kosher salt, pepper with water covering over the top and two sodium free chicken bouillon packets, cooked when jiggling for an hour. In a separate pot I made my no-egg noodles, after they were done in twelve minutes, I added in another sodium free chicken bouillon packet, a pat of salt free butter, frozen mushroom and frozen mixed vegetables, garlic powder, and more Kosher salt and now cracked black pepper and a smidge of water heating up on a low temperature burner on the stove!
After the broth was done I used my colander over my stainless steel mixing bowl in the sink to remove the bones and allow the broth to go through, although not all bones, since they are so soft they are not an issue!
I dumped the chicken and spices and celery and onions all back into the broth in the pressure cooker for serving and added in the noodles with veggies, and enjoy!

Moving on again...

I apparently misunderstood the nurse Maggie, of course no script was necessary for an X-ray of my lower leg if needed I was to just go into the department and take care of it, and so far I am still waiting with everything else going on... it does seem a bit better, so perhaps it is just a bruise. Feels like my known plantar fasciitis is acting up below it, so the pain might be just referral? Still I have not taken any pain meds, but I did ice it again during the night.

 And moving on once more!

Our roof inspection failed, due to the inspector thinking we had an attic, which we do not and us therefore needing a vent! We do have a vent in the side not on top of our roof and one is all that was/is required. Once the mistake was realized the inspector recognized his mistake and he will be rectifying it within days! He better, we are getting down to that October first deadline!
The roofer has been paid.
So we should not be cancelled by our insurance, YAY!
That is once the inspector finishes his job!
 We did get quite a bit of rain this afternoon and the roof is not leaking thankfully!
The water that came out of the light/fan must have been left over from the previous damage.
Oh well.

This just in: Just informed via news/weather we may be having another tropical depression!
Oy Vey!

Happy good night all!

Count those blessings and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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