Before you stop reading this let
me warn you it is going to take a turn to the absurd due to what we all seem to
do these days, Googling our medical symptoms.
Now don’t you deny it I know
that you have done it too?
The funny part is the gamut
of what any of our results might be with a diagnosis usually from benign to
fatal! If nothing else it does make you end up running to a living breathing
medical professional with fear!
The only reason I am
laughing, well not out loud but in my belly and oh what a BIG belly, and
silently drumming that laughter, is that I AM STILL ALIVE!
Funny how according to the
worst of the diagnosis for mine today I have all the qualifying results for a
“brain tumor”, ordinarily that wouldn’t be funny at all but when I read that it
continues to remind of that movie with Arnold Schwarzenegger in Kindergarten
Cop movie circa 1990:,
where one of the little ones suggests when he tells them that they are giving
him a headache, “maybe you have a brain tumor”, and he replies “no I don’t have
a BRAIN TUMOR!”, in his heavy Austrian accent, hysterical!
Used to like him, that is his
movies, sadly he proved to be not so nice after all.
Any-who, thus my reasoning
for giggling inside of myself and I was able to discount “a brain tumor”, since
even though I met the criteria for each symptom… that is all except one, losing
weight, ha!
Yes, brain tumors benign or
cancerous seem to be followed by that, a huge loss of weight factor.
So I am good, not happening
Who said being a fatty was
Ahhhhhh, methinks I am on to
Being fat is
unhealthy, but being a skinny smoker is too!
Confusing, since I have been
both, and to be honest I felt better being a skinny smoker, oops! Kids ignore
You know how every week it
seems that cholesterol should kill you by eating all that fat and now they have
changed that it has no effect on you since high cholesterol has to do with heredity,
uh oh my parents had it, but NOT obesity or high blood pressure, so where do
they come from? Neither had diabetes or hypothyroid either.
I’ll tell you from DOCTORS
and their Medications!
(A matter of opinion, mine.)
Moving on…
That above was another dead
horse I have to prevent myself from continuing to beat.
The weather here in beautiful
southwest Florida
has given us once again bragging rights; our next ten days will be all above
eighty degrees.
Hopefully I will be back in
our pool soon.
Gus, our rescue Havanese fell
in a few nights ago. I was inside but Hubby was on the opposite side of the
fence, he only informed me when it was all over and done and that he needed a
large towel!
He has no idea why Gus went
in and it clearly was an accident, because the little guy by Hubby’s report had
no ability to swim, and he tried directing him to the steps but he kept trying
to get up the sides no matter what he said and so he felt the little guy was
exhausted and so he reached in and pulled him out!
Next project is to teach him
how to get out safely.
Fortunately, the water
temperature wasn’t too cold, it was in the mid-seventies, and for me though it
has to be mid-eighties so in a few more weeks it should do it. Nighttime temps
have continued in the sixties, so we are getting there. We do have a solar
blanket but it is a pain in the neck taking it on and off, to clean the pool
that does get leaves and dirt in it even with the fence. Never wanted a
screened in pool, since always in Florida
shading causes mildew with our high humidity in the summer months especially.
Thus no screened lanais either, air-conditioned spaces or open with overhangs.
This is our third home here in nearly twenty-nine years so we do know, and we
closed in two screen porches to air-conditioned rooms and put in two pools with
just fencing not screening.
Our lives are good, except
for all my ailments I really shouldn’t complain since everyone has something,
and some have really bad things according to WEB MD or even Mayo Clinic or
almost any reliable site that I too have gone too… but if you can read this you
too are here so allow me to be the first to wish you a very happy good night
and ask you all to count your blessings and share all your overages with you
know who and we will too!
And next time please be here
or be square, ya hear!
PS I have MRI’s yearly of my
brain and last year everywhere and every year they check for more lesions or
other irregularities due to previous TIAs, mini strokes, and my Multiple
sclerosis and as of last year all was stable another reason I am pretty sure I
don’t have that tumor! Probably my allergies and sinuses working over time,
which I had been dx’d with for years and years!
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