understanding, explanation, reading, construal, elucidation, analysis, or
I would also like to add into
that the word, comprehension?
Comprehension also means:
understanding, grasp, knowledge, command, conception, and intellectual
Ranges of abilities “to get”
what is being written or spoken may have to do with educational background, or age
of the absorber, medical condition or so many other factors that none of us
have the right to assume, yep that nasty action in all of us that roughly
translates into making an ass out of you or me, CRINGE FACTOR, intense once
again, or thinking that the receiving or speaking/writing party is STUPID!
Unless you specialize in
areas of expertise as an English major/professor, or knows for sure that the
person does not have learning deficits or may have hearing problems from every
level, which again has nothing to do with IQ. Many dyslexics have genius IQ’s or
other learning areas of problematic slowed disorders, Cerebral Palsy comes to mind,
as well as many of the deaf or blind people, Helen Keller who was both, also
comes to mind. So as I said assumptions are wrong!
In many neurological ailments
including mine of Multiple sclerosis cognitive ability can be compromised, but
even that does not diminish what the brain has retained, the storing order of
where the access locations may be slower to become ready, can be so much of
this disorder, but the IQ is usually retained to pre-illness level or even in
some cases higher due to other parts of the physical body losing its capacity
to be able. As the thought goes with other areas of senses going by the
wayside, as a blind person, hearing might become stronger or sense of smell
etc. you get the idea.
Our bodies are amazing and do
have infinite ways to compensate for what we may be lacking in other parts of
our being.
Another example is in people
who have lost limbs due to illness, accident or injury due to a lunatic or from
The human condition surpasses
all of its abilities when given the ideas of what can be done in any situation…proved
I truly love the times we
live in and the fact that each new cure could/might be around the corner for
any one of anything we want or need to continue on…when we may be thinking
otherwise from depression of bad things happening to us, true?
Hope is another one of those good four letter words and no
one and nothing should ever take that away from anyone, and so is life
another one of those good four letter words; Gosh
there are so many, whoa I’m on a roll! LOL!
All in all, all I can say is
love is all around us don’t dare shake it, off, unless singing Taylor Swift’s
hit, but I jest… or not
In closing, don’t accept
negativity no matter what, we are all worth something, it maybe not be monetarily
perhaps, but to someone or if not somebody else than to yourself, yep you
should love yourself and allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a
very happy good night and ask you all to kindly count all those blessings and
share all those overages with you know who and we will too!
And next time please be here
or be square, ya hear!
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