If I were in my right mind,
and I very seldom am, I would have realized that what happened with our little
darling rescue fellow was an aberration on that night that will live in infamy
here, February 6th, 2015 at ten thirty P.M. when I received the
biggest insult to a relationship of parental love, pet-parental love that is of
an addition to one’s family could have, being bit by that pet/child in the dark
shadowy night’s light when bestowing a loving kiss upon his little noggin,
graced by a white star-like marking within a sea of ebony, his eyes barely can
be seen whether open or closed within his darkest colors.
We had been friends, I
thought, since he allowed me to bathe him and play catch with him and all other
doggie toy games, which he inherited many and allows me to feed him and give
him any medication prescribed for him, etc. all Mommy things, and in return I was
licked and he enjoyed a decent cuddle, and so what happened was more than
likely due to his ills… although he did get me once on my finger, but while still ill, and has
growled occasionally since without the snap; I do believe that he is fine.
And we have cancelled the
concept of a trainer, mostly due to what we were told to do, since Hubby felt
that it was NOT how he wanted Gus to be treated, somewhat like a prisoner with
using his crate more than we have ever used for any of our previous babies of
the four-legged type. Yes, we use it in the car for his safety since our seven
passenger van has stow and go seating and with only the two of us we put all
the seats stowed below so his crate and my walker have plenty of room in our
2015 Grand Caravan that was not recalled as of yet, thankfully!
With all that room it would
be dangerous for the little guy to be loose and so the crate, which is attached
with the proper bungees so it is very secure and so is he directly behind us to see us,
and of course there is room for groceries or anything else we or Hubby needs to
pick up and with a 4’X 8’ enclosed area for gardening things like the mulch etc. it
has proved to be just right for us DIYers and it does have that economy boost
lever for our gas mileage making it incredibly good with a GPS, which we use to enter all travels
prior to leaving on any trip short or distant and also an excellent sound
system including Sirius for a little while longer, as well as Bluetooth something
that is quite a convenience for us to feel safer on the phone while moving.
Back to our Gus... any-who he
has come around to behaving very nicely again, around other people too.
One day last week I had both
my blood work and my mammogram that were at different facilities but a few blocks
away and Hubby walked him in their parking lots with people coming and going
and of course with our little baggies, always, anyway the report was that he
was a happy waggly tailed boy with all who approached him!
After all we are not novices
at the pet parent thing, and even after I was mangled all those years ago by
Andrew we just went on like nothing happened and everything WERE okay and it never
happened ever again!
Even teeny tiny, Yorkie,
Brandi, at two months old and one pound eight ounces drew blood on my lip with
her over indulgent play kiss, and yep that was 1988 and she lived till 2004 and
never did it again after she was made to stay in her crate for a few hours,
done and done!
Dogs bite, and some do it all
the time and sure enough those are sadly BAD dogs and should be removed from
society, but not our Gus!
He kisses my hand when he
comes into a room, or my bottoms of my feet, which tickles pleasantly, when I recline in my chair and yes
he has been on my lap kissing me as if he hasn’t seen me in years, and so he
will be watched but not feared and we have decided to love him and train him as
much as we have the others, not that much actually, since they are pets not
show dogs. Socialization and even that possibility of a service dog does appear
to not be off the table either, for he is the sweet loving critter/bog that we
did sign on for…and we will continue doing what we knows works with all
critters big or small we try to love them all! Well, ours and within reason, wink,
On that note with reality
faced with hope, allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy
good night and ask you all to kindly count your blessings and share all those
overages with you know who and we will too!
And next time please be here
or be square, ya hear!
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