Sunday, February 1, 2015

Old Fashioned

Being of a generation who knew of such things as dial-up telephones, not push button and even some people with a communication system called a party-line. 

And no it was not conference calling; although it was not that dissimilar than that, now that I think about it, but still no.

People that you had no familial or friendship or even knew at all had the same line to use to communicate with the outer world and in order to use that line you would pick up the phone and listen to see if someone was on there before you could use it for your own personal use, got that? Some were sneaky and would just listen to other people’s conversations, how rude?

Oops now only the government does that. LOL! Okay it is probably true. Be careful with what you say…hmm?

We personally never had that type, a party-line, but my aunt and uncle did; I do believe it was a very good deal financially at the time.

Any-way, I just heard from my old neighbor up in NJ the one that was my neighbor in the townhouse condo community that we had all lived in back in the 1970's; yes, our first owned home from 1972- 78.
Anyway she mentioned the fact that making social arrangements with friends these days is complicated since no one wants to call they leave messages on the social network sites and it at times causes no meetings to occur since by the time you get them the meet time may have passed?

She, like me longs for the much simpler phone call, but did not mention if she has initiated this old fashioned concept with her gal pals up there. I have not, oddly enough.

Something similar happened to me like her incident just on Friday, but I was the culprit of the disconnect, although the other woman might be considered to be as well, with no fault of her own. Now I bet you’re really confused?

I had sent an email to this woman that we had become friendly with her and her husband at the gym/rehab and she had been ill and since we had been emailing back and forth I emailed her to see how she was doing.

And when I hadn't heard from her, she like me figured we would see each other at the gym/rehab, but I was absent for two days and she had been too...until Friday when we were able to face to face connect!

She told how she had been in quite a serious situation with her allergic reaction and ended up being hospitalized overnight needing epinephrine! Now she has to carry an epi pen. The mystery is they still do not know what caused her swelling.

Thankfully by Friday when I saw her she was looking pretty darn good again.

In this situation even if we had tried to call, perhaps it wouldn’t have helped anyway since they were not home?

So in this case texting or cell communication might have worked, but we don’t text and I do not know if she does, anyway we just have their home phone number like they have ours.

Being able to communicate has been an issue for thousands of years as we have been told in our school room classes of history of the world.

And just when we think we have made some headway, somehow, someway there might be a glitch, true?

Have we really made the world so small, but at times hard to get our personal voice across to?

We do have the ability to speak to people from all over the world whenever we can raise them away from wherever they might be busy with more urgent, professional or family matters and still have the ability to only speak to you when they feel like they want to, free will……..what a concept!

More food for thought… as they say the more things change the more they stay the same.

On that note of GEEZ I still believe I have something going on in this odd noggin of mine; although mixed up a bit, allow me to be the very first wish you all a very happy good night and ask all of you to kindly count all your blessings and share all your overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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