Saturday, January 31, 2015

The shed's complete!

The shelves were Number One's too and Hubby has even managed to start putting things inside of it!

That's my view of taking pics through the sun-room's door; most likely I wasn't dressed yet to go out.
My hands are being overworked by using this thingy and now petting our newest member, Gus; not to mention lifting him.
And he is not light, at three and half pounds heavier than Skipper; Gus is not at all the size of either a Havanese or Shih Tzu both are around thirteen pounds and shorter.
He was weighed in at the vet's office at eighteen and half pounds and this was after his stomach episode so he might be more.
When we received him he was seventeen point two pounds back on December 27.
The veterinarian when asked said that he was just right, in other words you can just feel his rib cage but they are not protruding and he does not have fat covering them.
Even the day that he was so ill he did the Bichon Blitz, which Skipper was fond of...
The behavior is peculiar to the breed and all inclusive to the Havanese as well and it is when they run in long circles as if on a race track, so I call their act or behavior greyhound racing!
On occasion many dogs do this several times a day inside and out. Fun to watch but sometimes frightening for fear they will hurt themselves, but thankfully Skipper never did and neither has Gus.

"The Bichon Buzz

The Bichon Buzz is one of the Bichon Frise's most popular characteristics. It is also commonly referred to as the Bichon Blitz.
These terms describe the sudden bursts of energy that a Bichon Frise will sometimes exhibit.
In fact, if you are caught off guard, you may just find yourself doubled over with laughter. Bichon blitzes are such fun!
If you would like to see one of these buzzes, scroll down to watch the video."

Goto this page to see the film:

And so Gus was behaving like himself even that day, and since the behavior is built into them I do believe he will never become overweight due to that being quite exhausting even just to watch! And as far as I know Shih Tzu's do not do it, and so I suppose his Havanese is stronger than the Shih Tzu portion of him?

Moving on...

 I persuaded Hubby to take a short break by going over to our Publix grocery store to purchase food, but of course.
Salmon was on sale, how I longed for that!
So I bought two fillets for us for two separate meals.
Oh yes I went in again all by my lonesome with a shopping cart and no walker once again, since it was going to be a full one.
Strawberries were also at a great price as well as Clementine's, and of course a few bananas.
I won't put you through the whole shopping list, but we do buy generic whenever we know the quality is the same as the name brand.
I forget to use coupons and this time Publix had sent a ten dollar off one for any purchases over fifty bucks.
It's a rare occasion when we spend less than that and today's was just under $125, and so I called Hubby in the car with Gus and asked him to bring our lovely surprise from our home away from home store... and he did, but the young fellow cashier had already rung us up and so the Customer Service desk gave us a ten dollar bill/money instead of a credit off the total, and that was fine and nice.
Now you know why we call it "our" Publix, and most do with theirs too.

On that note of a happy day, allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you all to kindly count all your blessings and share all your overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

PS I did go to the gym/rehab yesterday and accomplished all my machine reps without any decreases from being absent for two days, TA DA! 

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Speaking My Mind: Heck of a time getting here from there... :   From our breakfast/lunch/dinner dinette to our bedroom, I write this enjoyab...