Monday, February 2, 2015


  • Four cases of measles have arrived in Florida, so now we too are in the loop of the fourteen states with cases. Our cases have not been told to us exactly where they are in our state, guess to keep the patients privacy, but we have been told they are not residents but visitors.
  • But great news for us older folks…

“Preventing new infections

If you've already had measles, your body has built up its immune system to fight the infection, and you can't get measles again. Most people born or living in the United States before 1957 are immune to measles, simply because they've already had it.”

But all others should become immunized.

Our sons being born in the 1970’s did have their inoculations and even up to their teens before high school, but those adults today in their late thirties and early forties need to get them again, and now with a very possible outbreak!

So tell them.

As they get older their immune systems change and boosters are a very good idea anyway.

The illness is much worse too, plus being a carrier and possibly infecting others is a horrible guilt trip to carry, so get it done please.

Moving on…

I have some bug but it is really odd since it comes and goes. Again I am running a low grade fever and have swollen glands and body aches; odd how this phantom ill appears and disappears.

Any-who, all I have been doing is taking Tylenol and throat lozenges, and eating those Clematines, mini oranges.

My appetite now is not decreased and I had a fine meal of our own barbecue chicken on our grill with baked potatoes and mixed vegetables, we always buy fresh or frozen and these were frozen but cooked, got that?

No sodium that way and picked and frozen at the peak of freshness; a least that’s what the brands say, this is generic, store brand i.e.

I have been drinking club soda all day, even more than usual; it has zero calories sugar or sodium, just fizzy water actually.

I prefer it to tap or bottled water.

My left gland on my throat is definitely a lump and it hurts when I touch it, so I am torn on whether or not to go to the doctor. This ghostly ill has been going on now for the last two weeks; what would you do?

With the flu rampant throughout the country and even though I had my flu shot back in September, with now being only 23% effective, going to a doctor’s office with all those contagions makes me think no, not a good idea.

I suppose if it were to get worse than I would go or perhaps to the hospital, nah!


I am okay!

At least whatever I have is not fatal, just annoying.

And I was even well enough to go to the gym/rehab this morning and did my complete workout without any problems!

So I am good.

Tomorrow is my day off anyway.

Oddly enough I keep sneezing and sniffling too.

Maybe it’s just an old fashioned cold… but G-d knows I take enough vitamins!

Oh well… it’s so nice to be able to throw these comments out to all of you... without any preconceived notions about me (I hope) or me about you (for sure), ya know…

On that note of sure you do, allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you all to kindly count all your blessings and share all those overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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