Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Out and About

Today, we started anew.
Yes, each day does do that, duh.
But in our case as I had said previously when busy hearts will heal, and so let’s put it this way, the process has begun!
Actually, yesterday I started playing catch-up with many things formally put on hold.
I made two doctors’ appointments and one for a haircut.
Sure, what woman doesn’t need some pampering to help her feel not as depressed?
That has been a little well known cure for years and years…
Men too need to get busy to stop the mopes, and Hubby began right away yesterday with his own cure for what ails ya, turning into a sort of Edward Scissor Hands. Yes, cutting back our hedges of Hibiscus.

My new do did help with some old school skin helpers too, Noxzema and Ponds cold cream, as well as a bit of hair mousse to help with the new me, hairstyle.

My skin has a weird look to it and a reddish rash across the bridge of my nose extending to either cheek. I believe it could be related to the older, large economy sized lotion I was using for way too long!
Used for years, I am embarrassed to say, but I just did… they do have an expiration date usually on them, but I could not find the one on mine, it was a Dial product for very dry skin, with a large pump bottle, kept most all this time opposite the soap on my bathroom sink.

Any-who, thus the new products with determination to get back my healthy glow, huh?
Well, not so rosy one?
Better me?

Oh well, we had stopped to get all that at Walgreen’s, and that is even an old school drug store if I recall.

I don’t wear foundation, only an occasional bit of blush via my matching lip stick, but I do wear mascara, waterproof/Almay and I have to add eyebrows these days. I, for some reason have trouble shaping them and so half usually are gone, weird, I know.

Lunch was at Olympia, which was very crowded and we had a short wait to be seated; the snowbirds are definitely back! Snowbirds definition: people who winter here from their colder climates.

I had broiled Swai and Hubby had a Reuben, we both had soup, and he had his usual black coffee with sugar and I had my usual unsweet iced tea with lemons on the side.

My appointment tomorrow is for that eye thingy, the bubble on the white of my eye above the iris of my right one that had the two surgeries. It is still there, and I had been wearing one contact lens there except it kept popping off due I think to that nasty bubble. According to what I Googled it is more than likely nothing serious, but still annoying just the same. Maybe he will pop it? It does really look like just a clear bubble.

Moving on…

Today is Election Day here in America!
As I think I mentioned before Hubby and I had voted early via snail mail, about two weeks ago.
The polls close at seven P.M. tonight, but of course we have a few time zones here in the US and so it will take a while to get all the results. (Even two in Florida.)
Here alone our gubernatorial race is neck and neck and so Hubby and I believe they will be having a recount…!

All in all, it will be interesting to see how it all turns out.
We also have medical marijuana bill up for a vote; a very controversial topic to say the least and both sides have good arguments for and against.

On that note of leaving you on the edge of your seats with anticipation; I can pretend, can't I?…Allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night, and ask all of you to kindly count all your blessings and share all those overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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