Monday, November 3, 2014

The Day After...

Sure one might argue that death is part of the circle of life, and in the long-run they would be right, right?

When does grieving become beyond normal and just becomes plain too weird?

Here are the known five stages of grief:

1. Denial and Isolation
 2. Anger
 3. Bargaining
 4. Depression
 5. Acceptance
For more in-depth  explanations of each goto:

As a person not unlike most of you by my age of happily sixty-four years old, the truth is you sadly have had too much experience with losing the ones you love. And yes, I am talking people, pets came too in between the people, but at this time it in my life it seems like there at times that have been never ending streams of loss of the human or pet type.

Since I was a young woman I have had this very weird superstition and just before Skipper was diagnosed it had happened again... two little birds flew/crashed into our sun-room door to the patio at two different times, the one without the wind-chimes and only the heron decal and died all just before Skipper was diagnosed. That is the superstition that someone will become ill or usually dies, and horrifically it has always happened...true.

I bet you know where I am going with this... and so my fear, not unfounded mind you based on previous experiences... is if two little birdies died, I am very concerned that someone else I love or know of who may have crossed paths with me may be in jeopardy, and NO this is NOT a scary belated Halloween story...

So that adds to my grief this particular time... although going through it, at home with Skipper and realizing what he went through and valiantly fought till the end! Well, that makes those stages of grief speed up with the acceptance coming sooner rather than later...

I do believe that it is one of those life lessons that we must discuss with our children as well as we do all the other important topics of becoming a grown-ass adult, oops did I say that? Cringe factor seems to dwindle as the years go on... I have noticed with many of my peers leading that byway with much gusto!...Why now even cursing is supposed to be healthy for the mind, or stress and of course to lower that blood pressure, so "they" say..., who would have thunk it would come to this?

Any-who, death comes to all of us eventually, no running away from it, but some have tried...More importantly it is how we run towards life that is what we all should do, as if our lives depended on it and many do! (Enough cliches in there for you Lee?)

In the end we all know that adjusting and continuing is all that any of us can do... busy the body and the mind and time will mend all souls hearts....Where did I hear that before? Sounds familiar, but lately even when I try to find these decent sounding idioms the authors are unknown, mine again! I call dibs, for I do like it...

Here are not too weird PICS of how we are still living with Skipper, don't think badly of us or that we are weird, but most all have been here a very long time as he was...

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