Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Clarity: clearness, lucidity, simplicity, precision, transparency, and perspicuity.


noun \ˈkler-ə-tē, ˈkla-rə-\
: the quality of being easily understood
: the quality of being expressed, remembered, understood, etc., in a very exact way

: the quality of being easily seen or heard

From the always reliable:

With all that being said and well by trustworthy sources I do believe that on here, as well as in life I have been misunderstood way too many times.

Not just with the world at large, but with family members.

My heart aches and breaks when this happens way too often.

It is more in the realm of foot and mouth disease, which I perpetuate to be a person who sadly suffers from on too many occasions. Without being too specific, since it has never been a good thing when telling it all too, too much at times, but considering I enjoy writing and expressing myself here nightly one would think that I would not have this as an issue at all?

But sadly I do.

Privately it can create havoc in your life.

Publicly it can be rather embarrassing!

And guess what?

I am done trying to explain too personal misunderstandings! At least on here, she said oh so cryptically.

Finis, over, not in this lifetime, never ever again, or in any of my near futures, okay, folks?

So now you are all aware of the possibility that something may or most definitely did happen today with me and someone who is probably not a stranger to me, hmm?

Well, let’s put it this way, nothing physically bad, only what I said above was brought up, and as usual and defined as being misconstrued; how perfectly regular and normal for me, true?

So now I will move on to what we had to do today.

At ten forty-five A.M. I had an eye doctor's appointment and as I thought, he popped my eye cyst!

Yep, that is what it was, but still not serious.

And now I am back on eye drops for four times a day for only a week that are a hybrid of antibiotics and steroids.

So I suppose it was a good idea that I went to take care of it.

Then we went over to Wally’s World for my classic neuvo natural hair coloring and my signature aroma of Gardenia ala Jovan.

After we went there we tried Best Buys for a USB port exterior floppy disc player, but a vendor from Microsoft there told us that they did not have them…Guess I will have to order one of the Amazon ones that our Number One Son sent us a link to.

Still trying to access those old puppy PICS of Skipper.

Any-who, from there we ate lunch at Panera’s and I had a twofer of cup of creamy tomato soup and ½ of a Caesar salad with apple, and Hubby had a Southwestern chicken on flat bread with potato soup and his came with a bun too; and our usual beverages.

Then home.

I cancelled my other doc appointment for tomorrow.

Maybe it’s because I was extremely tired or perhaps not, since I walked everywhere we went with my new wheels. Good thing too, since in Wally’s I could go no further and Hubby did a quickie conversion of my walker to transporter, which worked out perfectly! He transformed it back for the continuance of our day's journey.

On that note of what we did do, allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you all to kindly count all your blessings and share all your overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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