Thursday, November 13, 2014

Fixing up the place...

Removing items that are cluttering up the works; I do believe that “purging” is the proper terminology that works here as so do I.

The mini project for today was the tall shelves over the toilet for storage. It is all my fault that when we redecorated ala Hurricane Charley and I wanted a girlie bathroom with a calming spa like feel with pastels and a seashell motif of accessories of course all the fixtures are white, my mirror is a large framed oval and I opted for a pedestal sink so Hubby’s bathroom was the masculine oak and fish motif accessories, also white fixtures except for his vanity, mirror and cabinet all in oak, as well as his wooden blinds.

Yep, my decision to lessen my storage capacity and utilize the close linen closet just adjacent to my personal bath, but still the shelves became cluttered.

For some reason I was the caretaker of all the first aid equipment, meaning band-aids Neosporin and its generic companions, as well as peroxide, in the large economy size, why, I do not even know… barely leaving room for my facial creams, make up and other womanly beautification necessities! Oh and yes I do keep my Woolite in there due to washing my bathing suit in my sink when I enter the shower in there after the pool…oops TMI?

No, just showing my logical efficiency methinks, hmm?

This is what I did do the better part of the morning, since my shelving proved to be adequate when I reorganized and my pedestal will not be leaving in the near future since I really, really, like it… I removed everything and noticed that some shelves were stained and since it seems that this Target product used heavy duty cardboard on the back of this cottage shutter styled unit after I cleaned with Lysol every one of the three shelves two behind the shutterettes made of what appears to have the feel of PVC and one open on the bottom above the toilet, I painted them all white their old color, but renewed!

Atop it had my idea of cute a wooden sailboat on a pedestal, washed and dried, and two scented fuzzy bears bought at a crafts fair, one in a sailor suit tie and hat included, and the other in a brightly colored Hawaiian shirt with a life preserver around him, whimsical and cute in my opinion, sticking with our household theme, living on the water and all… both bears are bare at this time, still drying outside and their clothes hang on my bath-seat having being washed in Woolite!

I got rid of all the boxes of band aids by dumping all the band aids into one rigid plastic opaque white snap box, from previously used Q-tips and the facials from Oil of Olay similar containers I kept too, even those onions that we use in casseroles solid white plastic containers I kept and found a use for placing those tube medicines in too! Neat and for most able to stack and see through too. Zip-lock bags were used for any paper information for thermometers, motorized facial machines, and the like, even the few washcloths I keep in there and poufs for bathing, all washed and Zip-locked after I chose one to hang in the shower/tub area.

 Medicine is kept in the kitchen due to humidity.

Just getting rid of all those band aid boxes enabled so much more found room, and it looks so much neater now; tangible evidence of productivity, Wow what a feeling!

And now we are not expecting a large family contingency for the holidays, long gone are those days sadly… I just felt it was a practical necessary way to keep busy!

Today, we finally were able to get the replacement pilings for the boat lift and Number One Son will be here Monday to help Hubby with that, the lift has been broken since last summer, and so many things happened that it was never the right time to take care of it, something always took away that’s priority!

Life happens, but now it will get done, one of the last few things of cost to up keeping of a waterfront home necessity, the boat has been sitting on the side front driveway on its trailer all this time since the concern was that the lift could have gotten worse with it on during Hurricane Season, which by the way isn’t over till the thirtieth of this month, any-who... the water is cooler, no amoebas or other hazards to worry about. Most of the work though is done from the dock with pumps, since the pilings are 19’ (2) and 20’ (2) long and only about nine feet sticks out when all is said and done. Hubby put the originals in back in 2003 for our new boat the Sea Hunt; we had had a deck boat before that, but did not need it, i.e. the lift.

So since the fellow who delivered the pilings as well as the wraps and stainless steal nails was fearful to pull in the side yard with double gates our raised beds have nails holding them together and he was afraid he could get them in his tires and so he dropped all four pilings just on the other side of the gate and Hubby has been winching them to pull them in, he wrapped the rope around the shed, our sturdy stucco one cemented to the floor with hurricane ties etc.!

And so far two have made the trek into our private yard and two are exposed to the world… tomorrow’s another day…

On that note of terrific accomplishments, not for the world but in our own little one…allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you all to kindly count all your blessings and share all your overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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