Friday, November 14, 2014

Not a good day...

Days come and days go... THANK HEAVENS!
The going part that is…but wait, there is more…

Well as days go and it did start out fairly normal for us, anyway.

Both of us awoke at our normal times for me just after six and Hubby around eight-ish and then we both decided to have our lighter breakfasts around nine of Carnation sugar free chocolate instant breakfasts, his straight up with fat free milk and mine with a banana and fat free milk, and I proceeded to shower and to get ready for my independent exercise day today. I know, before exercise it is to loosen up the muscles; a trick I was taught way back when.

Any-who, oddly enough when I got out of the shower even after I blew-dried my hair, even with the air conditioning on in our home, even though it said outside was in the low sixties, and inside ala air that had shut itself off it was  around seventy-five, but I was sweating profusely. Instead of checking my temp I checked my glucose, which was only 114 that is more or less within the normal range less than two hours after eating. I had recalled vividly our neighbor in the shopping center where our restaurant had been, he, Bill, had the mattress store right next door had been diagnosed with diabetes and he also would sweat quite a bit. Dr. Nord had said I am a type 2 diabetic but with diet, exercise and Lisoprinol it was being maintained. So when I get a symptom that seemed logical to me thus the glucose finger stick test meter.

But that was not it, and so I said I must still be warm from the hair dryer and although the thermometer was reading sixty-eight outside and usually we thin skinned Floridians would normally be wearing a sweater and I chose not to, but brought it along with as well as my cooling vest this time, not on but with…got it?

Oddly enough by the time I got into our car and to the rehab/gym my head’s perimeter was moist even with the auto-air on to; you know at my far head behind my ears and at my neck…

My determination got the best of me and when I saw a different type of stationary bike that I hadn’t tried before that was available, they have three different kinds, I hopped aboard the one yet to be tried by me.

Today was the day that I was upping my ante with an additional five minutes! This one also had plenty of computerized choices in its settings and once explained by Joe, one of the PT’s, I took a five in resistance, which gave me what I felt was preferable for this newbie who had only been short lived back in the saddle again…I accomplished my goal of fifteen minutes, upping it from the no resistance ones with less time on both Monday and Wednesday of only ten minutes. I nearly fell off the bike from exhaustion and numbness but landed on my walker/transporter’s seat and walked it while sitting on it over to my next conquest.

I had put my cooling vest on in the car and walked in with it and wore it the whole time but was still now very sweaty, and yet my determination went forth to another contraption, piece of equipment my ole pal the total gym. I also drank from my thermos of my kept cold club soda.

My personal goal upon this object of torture was to increase those 3X25 reps to 4X25 reps, or totaling 100, and so I did.

By now I was pretty wiped out and very sweaty/ glistening?

But I did walk out ala standing using the walker and so I left determined to go to our next decisive location, lunch at Firehouse Subs and salads restaurant on our way back up to look at some more possible automobile choices. They have that salad I so love that is a mere 390 calories that is so big that we take nearly half of it home with us!

Anyway, we ate our lunch with ice waters again, this time Hubby had a brisket sub and when I tried to get up again I could not!

And by the time we got to the car via Hubby pushing me we had a debate on whether or not to look at any cars today.

You see, Hubby had wanted me to take a test ride/drive with him in any we may have chose but I said no that I couldn’t.

And when we got there the salesman took us a few MILES away to where they keep their 2014 vehicles but we followed in our car and once there it was the wrong one that we had been told about, so Hubby and I opted to go home and forget about…

He had to wheel me in the house and  while in the car I had called my neuro, Smiley, but his nurse did not call me back until a couple of hours later and asked if we could come in on Tuesday up to Sarasota, and I said, by this time I was able to walk again, but each time it happens I worry that I won’t be able for good, she left me open to rescheduling if need be…Hubby has come to the conclusion that I should nix the gym for a while and just walk around more here and when we go places, of course with my super duper transformer walker/transporter, just in case…

And so I made the deal with him for Monday to stay home and that’s okay since it is his birthday and our Number One Son is coming down…we will see what we will see, the pool is down to seventy three over ten, make that twelve degrees too cool for me to go in… and perhaps maybe Hubby will eventually make that solar panel that he made for us and our neighbor up north in good ole NJ back in the 1980's that is still functioning and then with our solar blanket who knows I could be swimming in December and beyond!

On that note of oh to float with hope, allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you all to kindly count all your blessings and share your overages with you know how and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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