Wednesday, November 12, 2014

All in a days work...

Productivity and timelines of the capacity to finish specific necessary listings of completion to be able to finalize all major assignments of recent endowments in an era of duplicity with erring consistently without forbearing of concern for ramifications of how or why this may or did happen!

Got that?


I so love our language and at times I do enjoy using it in doublespeak without necessarily cause of forethought, huh, one might say or not?

Sure we all know that what we say to some people might be misconstrued as gibberish, but that’s what makes life interesting or is that not right, difficult?

Of course it can all be racked up to semantics, true?

I love that when my niece Arlene was alive, she sadly died from colon cancer thirteen days before her fifty-first birthday back on October 13 of 2006, and yes she was just about five years younger than me, since my half brother Danny was nineteen years older than me. He was twenty-four when she was born and I was five when I became an aunt!

Any-who, she was physicist and had gone to the University of North Carolina and was at that time only one of two women in that program way back then.

I loved talking with her since she was such a brilliant gal.

And she as a young person would debate me in many a conversation, it was she that was the one who used the word semantics that I had not heard of before, she was probably I don’t know really since she and her Mom had moved to North Carolina and she only came back to be in my wedding party when she was fifteen or so and I was five years her senior…but felt very dumb speaking with such a smarty pants!

Yes, Arlene had gotten straight A’s all through school, but had refused to talk until quite late as a child, nearly five if I recall.

By the time we discussed the ‘semantics’ issue I was either married or getting married, hard to remember now, but I did realize that I still had much to learn; she was good like that, teaching when not realizing she was, so after she left I looked it up.

Let’s see what I am actually trying to convey here: what I thought I knew the meaning of ‘semantics’ was is that it is an interpretation of the words we use and in a way I am correct, but not entirely.

Language is the larger umbrella of description of the meaning of it all and the interrelationships of words, phrases and sentences, also the study of symbols and what they represent, and even ways to study and interpret and analyze its theories of logic… got that?

Geez, I am always learning!

Thanks Arlene.

Moving on...

Today I did go to the rehab/gym and accomplished my fifteen minutes with exhaustion sadly. I did not continue on due to feeling very warm and perspiring and so even though my intentions were to do more I felt as if I could not so I am confessing I did not, but I did not do less, got that?

Just not more!

Sure I will try on Friday to do more and I shall not do less then either.

Got that?

Mine, body and soul, what more is there to life, hmm?

We feed all three appropriately since we all know in our hearts how to do that… and so shall I.

On that note of whatever floats your boats, that reminds me Bon Voyage new gym pals, allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask all of you to kindly count all your blessings and share all those overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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