Thursday, September 25, 2014

Sun shinning now, but we are in for it soon...

Yep, the rain she is a coming, huh?
Why a she? Why what makes us say she so easily about nature and it’s, so-called blessings and not so wonderful acts that it bestows upon us? Why a Mother Nature, not a Father Nature…just wondering…?
Used to be all hurricanes were named for only women, happy that that stopped

“History of Hurricane Names

For several hundred years many hurricanes in the West Indies were named after the particular saint's day on which the hurricane occurred. Ivan R. Tannehill describes in his book "Hurricanes" the major tropical storms of recorded history and mentions many hurricanes named after saints. For example, there was "Hurricane Santa Ana" which struck Puerto Rico with exceptional violence on July 26, 1825, and "San Felipe" (the first) and "San Felipe" (the second) which hit Puerto Rico on September 13 in both 1876 and 1928.
Tannehill also tells of Clement Wragge, an Australian meteorologist who began giving women's names to tropical storms before the end of the 19th century.
An early example of the use of a woman's name for a storm was in the novel "Storm" by George R. Stewart, published by Random House in 1941, and since filmed by Walt Disney. During World War II this practice became widespread in weather map discussions among forecasters, especially Army and Navy meteorologists who plotted the movements of storms over the wide expanses of the Pacific Ocean.
In 1953, the United States abandoned a confusing two-year old plan to name storms by a phonetic alphabet (Able, Baker, Charlie) when a new, international phonetic alphabet was introduced. That year, the United States began using female names for storms.
The practice of naming hurricanes solely after women came to an end in 1978 when men's and women's names were included in the Eastern North Pacific storm lists. In 1979, male and female names were included in lists for the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. “
Thanks to: I would go there just for the fun of it, since their info is so reliable, really!

Moving on…

Today I had my Orthopedic PA appointment with Maryanna; she has decided that since I have nothing needing surgery that perhaps I would like to go the injection route for the pain. (Déjà vu, hmm?) Another doctor or two suggested that.

And so in a little over three weeks I have an appointment with the doctor who does the sticking to see if after he explains that he won’t do that one of his colleagues did to my hand and arm with one stick of the pain remedy that lasted for two days with my arm unable to move and the actual pain reliever lasted maybe a week, if that?
So I am weighing that prospect, seeing how severe the pain gets I might end up saying UNCLE!

Meanwhile on the bone scan results I was notified after I asked via that secure email that tomorrow I should have my results from that and I will be able to post them here I suppose by then.

The rain came and so as lame as it may be the same as many of my previous word games, allow me to be the very first on that note to wish you all a very happy good night and ask all of you to count your blessings and share all your overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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Speaking My Mind: Good morning...!

Speaking My Mind: Good morning...! : Hubby is trying to get things done around the house. He seems to be feeling a bit better since the remo...