Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Some days go down in history for what happens...

...that can be considered significant, and then there is what happens to some of us individually…

Tonight’s blog will be brief due to threatening storms and me feeling badly, quite dizzy.

And yes I am once again and forever known as “A Dizzy Blond”.

My dizziness I am afraid it is something I will have to live with until something changes that.

I received the other two planes information sheets for the proper exercises for the BVVP: I was told that I have that and supposedly it is causing this feeling.

The rainy weather just brings us all down when it continues too long…everything is nice when it has a short visit like company… always leave them wanting more I say!

This is the second or third time I tried to copy and paste something from the net and it screwed up my formatting and so I deleted the whole thing.

I suppose those sites don’t like you copying their stuff, but I always give them credit and put quotes around it and never claim that it is mine!

Any-who, it was just the Tommy Roe song, I’m so dizzy, but he’s talking about a girl causing his dizziness due to falling in love… mine is an unknown cause or ominous, although that BVVP is a pretty good contender… I guess if the exercises cure me that is what it was? But this started on April 30th with my vertigo… too long.

So far no news on the results of my bone scan, and as anyone knows NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS!

I hope.

On that upbeat note with the noise of thunder getting much, much louder in the background, allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you all too kindly count all your blessings and share those overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

 PS: This is my history, get it? Big smile inserted here.

Remember that, Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery that is why today is a gift, a present."

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Speaking My Mind: Let's all put on our "Thinking Caps", and think ha...

Speaking My Mind: Let's all put on our "Thinking Caps", and think ha... :   ...our current president and how he is behaving?! ...