Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Did it!

The test is over! Another one that I hope has gone the way of the dinosaur, as far as me needing it ever again, extinct!

And as far as I know, grade-wise, it is either a pass or fail...
They had me come in three hours time after I was radiated, instead of four.
All in all it was only about forty-five minutes, not even.
I truly believe I passed, meaning I know that I smiled through the whole thing, and it seem to be not very long that way for the whole shebang to be over.
Yes, I do think that we, Dr. Nord and I were making more of this issue than it probably is, I hope...
There was only one area that required some more pictures, and that was my rib-cage; due to that is the real reason I had this whole thing in the first place, correct?
And they felt the doctor wanted to see it; I suppose they meant the radiologist to be sure.  

Since it was Dr. Nord who ordered the test, but I am more than sure they will tell her that everything is just fine in a few days I was told... just like the Mayo Clinic had said, in 24 to 48 hours.
Of course the techs are not allowed to analyze the scan themselves, since they are not radiologists, but they were nice young folks named, Adrienne and Allen, the techs that is.
Now all I have to do is allow the radioactive material leave my body naturally, huh?
What’s wrong with this sentence and what did I just do?????

A normal result on a bone scan:

An abnormal bone scan:

I can actually see vividly the differences, can you?
I am more than sure you do too!

So I guess mine will show the first one, the “normal one”, one can only hope; sure it will!

That will be great, since I have never ever been called normal before…KIDDING! NOT!
Well, maybe not…not often...

On this note of once again giving you all TMI from my ideas of what is the way to get my point across, allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask you all to kindly count all your blessings and share all those overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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