Friday, September 26, 2014

Nothing urgent, but she will tell me when I see her on Thursday?

Is that cryptic or is it just me?
In my opinion it's both.
Nothing urgent but something?
That entitled statement was visa vi Dr. Nord and told to me by Cindy the RN.
She also said to have a good weekend...whatever that means?
I know, I know, me over thinking again! 
Perhaps due to me awakening again early; this time I have been up since 1:58 A.M., and never looked back!
Yep that's me up and going since then and oddly enough no nap.
How would you do with very little sleep and pain that awakes you out of a restless sleep.

So you can relate?

Hope not.

Most days I had the pool as my way of gaining some solace for my pain, even just walking around in it was of some minute help, but since it has been rain cooled or even raining when I would love to be in it I am hoping that all of these grey skies and gloomy weather will leave us very soon, depressing.
I feel like a baby bear with needing it just right the temperature too cold is just as bad as too warm too!

Today was my last day of PT and Paula says that after she did a test the doctor said to do and had been done in the beginning of all this and she had Dx’d me with BVVP that I DO NOT HAVE BVVP, what?
She feels that I have vertigo caused by something else and perhaps from my TIA in 2006?
She too sounded oddly unsure.
But I am NOT spinning and I told her from the start that I wasn’t, just dizzy and off balance from my Ataxia. The hospital diagnosed me with vertigo.

My pain across my shoulders is evident as well as my lower back and I have been avoiding doing anything that has to do with pain in those regions.

And so even though we tried different equipment in the exercise area I could only use my legs for most, which I suppose is not too bad, really!

My head seems to be uncooperative due to its usual pain or lack of sleep or both and so I will be closing this very shortly. My arms are exhausted too…

Next week will be hectic much going on and I will report as the days wear on…

I suppose this weekend would be a good time to relax or chill or distract oneself etc., etc, etc…
On that note of trying to keep my brain busy thinking in other directions, allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask all of you to kindly count all your blessings and share all your overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

PS Ironically we have rented the movie Noah! (The rain never ending here, in case you forgot?)

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