Saturday, September 27, 2014

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All this above can be yours too if you also wish to compose nightly drivel as I have for going on seven years; barely missing a day!

Can you decipher it all, some I didn’t even know what it was for until I clicked on it this evening, but I bet all of you did, hmm?

Got it, so why not use some of it, ya think?
OK, I see where this all could cause some confusion, true?

So I will continue in an easier to read format, but it’s not like I got too much to say except…

Today, I was back on track, in other words, in the swimming pool, got my hour in, two sets of half hours, each with a break in between and tried some exercises besides just walking… YEP, you heard right I took that yellow band and tied it on the railing and commenced to do my physical therapist prescribed exercises, pulling each separately and holding to the count of three, 5X’s each arm, standing with my shoulders in the water, and then lying down with my heels on the bottom step and again same thing.

Even did some circles with my feet, twenty in each direction, and then holding on and pushing off of it too all down by the deep end ladder…
I am now starting to feel it, but I won’t know until tonight when I try to sleep if I did a BIG mistake or not. The issue is I am on too much pain type stuff the Gabapentin 600 mg. and the Baclofen 60mg. in my opinion.

Beat the rain coming in, had to wait until after lunch this time for the pool to get back up to temperature of around 84/85 and the chemicals to reactivate; the chlorinator emptied in all that rain so Hubby had to refill it and I waited for some to show up in the tester as well as the Ph adjustment to lower.
But it did so I did it and before the rain came!
Again it appeared to have waited for me to get out and sit up under the lanai roofing for protection!

After showering and seeing that nothing was on the TV that we cared to watch we put the DVD in for Noah and then the rain stopped enough half way through and it was time to barbecue that nice rib eye steak that Hubby picked out and the bake potatoes had been put on earlier and I zapped the asparagus in the microwave with just a bit of extra virgin olive oil lemon juice and sea salt.

Then the news was on so we probably will finish the movie tomorrow; personally I think it’s too violent and it doesn’t follow any bible story about Noah that I recall, but that’s just me.

Any-who, on that note allow me to be the very first to wish all of you a very happy good night and ask all of you to kindly count all your blessings and share all those overages with you know who and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!

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