Friday, May 13, 2011

Frustration, yup...

Aggravation, irritation, disturbance, annoyance, nuisance, disappointment, dissatisfaction, blocking, foiling, hindrance, defeat, obstruction and prevention are a few of the feelings that are going through my mind right now.

How many of you are spoiled enough to think that when you want to do something regularly that there should be no blockage in continuing to do it in that tried and true manner that you had been doing it like clock-work or a finely tuned continuous positive habit?

OK, this is not one of those vices that you should not do; it is actually my writing this poppycock nightly that is in jeopardy!

Trying to access by blog entry was not possible and so Hubby suggested that I write first, as in reality I usually do anyway in my, ‘Word Program’ what will hopefully be posted later. OK, so here I am doing it…already a half an hour behind my self induced deadline!
Although, that is not entirely true since many days I have been known to post quite erratically, all at different times, (redundancy is me). Even in the mornings for that is when I first started all of this blog nearly three years ago and at one time I believe I did post after midnight due to a computer malfunction, but never my fault. And during the times that I have been ill Hubby would post something.
With him though, who’s a man of few words that is what you would get, minimalist verbiage, but I digress…

This time it is not totally in my control, I truly feel that vibe; although nothing really is, is it?
I mean to have that overwhelming feeling of power over things that ‘just happen’.
Some things in life we do, like accomplishing simple tasks or making yourself exercise whether or not you really want to do it and taking care of your home or laundry, but not so many other things… oh right now… weather comes to mind, specifically hurricanes, which as you can well imagine weighs heavily on all of us here in the southeastern portion of the US and will come up frequently in conversations here over the next few months as usual for this time of year.

With that said about weather and all the horrors of death and destruction that it has caused already this year I suppose most can well imagine why that frustration of not knowing when or where the next devastation will hit… and yes most of that is out of all our control. Tornadoes, flooding and so many deaths…so miserably sad and how powerless it makes us feel to know how to handle it.
Of course our hearts and desire to help in the aftermath is so extremely strong, you would have to be made of stone not to have your heart wrenched nightly from all the news reports…I cry inside with the reality and remembrance of our areas tormented destruction that nearly seven years later some samplings still remain to keep us sharp not to ever forget. And see all those news reports is like reliving it all over again….my heart breaks…for all of the survivors and the ones they lost.
Compassion is sympathy, empathy, concern, kindness, consideration and care, but the most important part to me is seeing your self in the other person’s position. To me that truly gets you to immersed all of your emotions from their perspective.

And so in my mind, the best way though to handle any of this is to do something, Nike it! (Just do it)
Go there and physically help or if unable to as I have said before find a legitimate organization to donate items to or preferably cash. You know why I keep saying that, cash, meaning check or credit card whichever is safest?
Because before our personal Hurricane Charley in 2004, we as you all do know, we had helped after Hurricane Andrew in 1992 and people were so generous with clothes and you-name-it but it was still raining since it is called our rainy season for a very good reason and all those donations were set in boxes for people to help themselves and they were damaged by the rainy weather and mud etc. and since there wasn’t power yet so no way to clean those enormous quantities of caring, many were thrown away not unlike what had been lost in the rubble of the initial hit of the hurricane, and so now you know why my reasoning exists. It’s not to say that you should not send diapers, canned goods, bottled water, toiletries and the like, but I think the aid agencies/organizations might be able to organize better without all items coming in from all different locations and monies would allow for that.

The above is just my opinion and if at all interested ask the powers that be in-charge of the distribution, your loved ones may know or the Red Cross.

On that noteworthy end to tonight’s ideas of concerns and frustrations aired let me be the first to wish you all a very happy good night and to ask kindly to count those blessings and share those overages and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, OK?

PS This was completely ready for posting by seven P.M. EST, but Blogger wasn’t…you see what I mean… frustrating?
PSS Finally Blogspot is BACK!!!!1:21P.M. on a Friday the 13th of all days!Thanks Patricia, another blogger who just informed me!

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