Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Now this is carrying politically correct to the real ones who matter in all of our lives no matter what… nothing to do with your sexual preference or faith or race or political affiliation are in this true concern.
This is what we should all do to not offend the true loves in our lives that have no one to speak up for them, our used to be called, ‘pets’, but now we are being told that is offensive to them, by animal ethicists and that the proper term is ‘companion’.

Not to be rude, but to be honest with all of you, as smart as all our little four legged or feathered or scaly friends/ loves/family members, now ‘companions’, ah come on I have used that term of endearment frequently if not often! They have been all that over the years and yet none has ever mentioned that calling them a ‘pet’ has made less of them of their particular animal persuasion.

Many come from bold proud backgrounds of ancient ancestry and have been revered throughout our human/ companion relationship history!
If the truth be told we have buried them in our coffins and worshipped them; as well as cremated them, had funerals for them and that is just after we spoiled them into having gracious lives of living like kings and queens and the like.
We groom them, feed them the best, care for them with the finest of medical care better than some persons and exercise programs according to their needs have dressed them with outfits that out shine some of the finest Haute Couture and have given them beds well decorated or of our own that we shared. Gosh our companions have it better than some of the ‘people’ who care for them!
And yet it is improper to call them that nasty harsh word ‘pet’, Geez it isn’t a four letter one, and what is one to make of the human beings who use the term in loving tender terms when calling each other ‘a pet’, is this too to be scratched from the vocabulary of all being kind? I demand an answer!

But to tell you the truth I do believe in the past several years my reference to our family in-articulate creatures I have mostly called them the littlest members of this circus we reside in, oh wait that was when the boys were small and we had three dogs, two cats, turtle and a cockatiel! And yes, we then got our first king size bed since all but Charlie our Cockatiel and the turtle would end up in our bed, gosh those were the days!
You see those days were the best.
And yes we had all kinds of family out the wazoo and enjoyed every moment of it.

“There has been an explosion of knowledge about animals that should make us consider them in a new light and perhaps change the manner in which we treat them.” Priscilla Cohn, co-editor of the Journal of Animal Ethics

A quote from the site that is insistent that it does matter how we refer to our little guys and gals, you see now I am watching how to say who they really are.
Pals, little loves, family members, some I even call my grananimals, since I still don’t have the two legged kind of grandchildren and that is how I refer to my son’s, ‘pets’ oops, did I say that? And he laughs, sadly I don’t know anything about our younger son’s non-speaking child adoptions, since we still don’t hear from him, but knowing him and his love too for these amazing G-d loved babies I certainly am sure he has had a few of his own too. Even many people I know who don’t have two-legged children call their four-legged ones their kids, is this, OK?
I sure hope so since over the years when the two-legged ones grew up and moved out I did switch that mothering thingy over to the little guys and gals that had no one to speak up for them, but do you know something?
In reality we always did, how about that!

On that curious note of truth, be it whatever your choice is to call those small unconditionally loving creatures, companion, family member, or even that harsh nasty word ‘pet’…there is no denying they all add to our lives in the fulfillment of some things that not all other human beings can fill... the undeniable faithfulness of a true friend.

Happy goodnight to all and please count those blessings and kindly share those overages and we will too!

And next time be here or be square, OK?
No more demands, just requests…gotta start somewhere, huh?

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