Monday, May 9, 2011

Back to our non holiday mode...

No expectations abounding today, huh folks?
We all must admit that there is a certain amount of relief that all is over for that shorty of a hectic one for another year, but alas next month is Father’s Day, oh my! LOL!

Yes, this summer we have many holidays including the next big one, which is Arm Forces Day on May 21st, Victoria Day in Canada is on the 23rd, Memorial Day is on the 30th and then there is June with Flag Day on the 14th, US Father’s Day is on the 19th, and of course the legal beginning of all our summers on the 21st, on the Summer Solstice.

July has its own fun holidays starting with my birthday on the 1st (I know its not a legal holiday but I will allow you to celebrate it), which is also Canada’s Independence Day, and then our American Independence Day is on July 4th.

August gives us somewhat of a break, although, I suppose you could celebrate the anniversary of the opening of the Panama Canal on the 15th in 1914, its 97th. As the rest of the country cools down for them in September, the 5th brings us to Labor Day the official, to our northern hemisphere of this planet’s summer ending for most, but not us.

We go on for a few more months, in warmth, a glow I suspect, well into November and until the 30th and so we cannot say that we are completely safe, as you all know that is when our hurricane season ends, but until then our sea waters can be quite warm; don’t forget we are a peninsula, and possibly those warm waters could be a breeding ground for those horrendous disastrous destroyers of homes and lives.

It was wonderful to see the great photos of all the Moms out there and to get an idea from whence we came…little poems and remembrances were quite creative in the how they were presented, from regular in your face postings on the Facebook walls to blogs to poetic groups expounding their love of their moms through their artful talents…it was GREAT!

Many mentioned their loss of that woman who gave them life and to that all I can say since I myself still feel that loss daily although it has been over twenty-nine years. Oddly enough it is that circle of life that I joke of on occasion, but if that is not an example with all those fond memories of our dearly departed ones and how each of our generations since we took our first breaths have had that glance into what they did for us all to continue us on, and on, on…

It reminded me of what wonderful creatures us human beings can be when gushing over the love of someone, how refreshing to know that in many ways the bad times diminish in importance and what truly is and always will be the right real thing to remember is how they made us feel. If extremely lucky we knew we were unconditionally loved and returned it as good as we got. If not we can try better with each consecutive generation.
But the ones who spoke up brought out the best of how they were raised by those who must have loved them since they were so warmly remembered the way the rest of us can only strive for…

On that somewhat high regard for us as the race of mankind and of course woman kind too …let me be the first to tell you to have a very happy good night and count those blessings and kindly share those overages and we will too!

And next time be here or be square, yea hear?
I know I said until I felt I was not so square I would not say that again, but yesterday you all proved that I am in very good company of many worldwide squares ‘L7’; you all!

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