Friday, May 13, 2011


One thing I do know is that we live in a capitalistic society here in America, and that is what built us into the country that we once were, huh?
My point is what constitutes enough money to live on?
A hundred dollars a week, a thousand dollars a week or ten thousand or perhaps it’s a million? I know it’s according to your self imposed cost of your lifestyle.
But I truly thought America was on a tightening our belts diet of monetary responsibility?

Now go with me here…
Earlier this week while watching The View, an all women’s talk and daytime interview magazine format type show with hosts: Barbara Walters, Whoopi Goldberg, Joy Behar, Sheri Shepherd and Elizabeth Hasselbeck, just in case you live under a rock and didn’t know that, which I doubt since my readership is brilliant!
Their guest was Susan Lucci the biggest star of the soap opera All My Children and the conversation went on to discussing her show’s being cancelled after forty ought years, why she herself has been on it for forty-one!
She said that she was surprised but knew from the time she had been called into the office for a three person chat that it had to be what was going on. Ms. Lucci asked her powers that are; why they were replacing the longtime much loved soap and with what other type of programming. Simply said they told her that it would be replaced by a reality show that costs forty per cent less to produce, and Susan resigned to her fate said, I guess it all boils down to the bottom line or some such thing like that, I don’t recall verbatim what she had said.
But her face said it all and so the other women went on with her to discuss her latest book, and other more positive things.
And it was rather sad to listen to another business adjusting to the bottom line over people and causing another large glut on the unemployment line…

Well, just to be more diligent in trying to get a hold on what those TV producers were and still are talking about I did a little investigating for myself and guess what I found?
Ms. Susan Lucci, Ms. Erica Slezak of One Life To Live and Mr. Anthony Geary of General Hospital fame are the three highest paid daytime TV stars with yearly salaries anywhere from seven to eleven million dollars, while not too big players on the show receive anywhere from fifteen hundred to five thousand an episode; not small potatoes by any means. Do you see where I am going here…?

How will they ever survive on unemployment insurance?
And now they are discussing reducing that to less weeks, our government in action.

I do know that agents do the haggling; I myself did a short stint as one of those, but what is the difference between making a great deal for your client and what is pricing your client into an arena that has to shut down because of hard times and that can no longer afford to pay them for that quality talent that they exude?
Yep, a double edged sword, or could this be the Golden Parachute thingy in a different form, creating havoc, it’s just a supposition on my part, but you all know me…?

Now all those daytime hour long dramas are not so cost effective I see that and I get what those TV guys were saying…well, if they saw the train derailing perhaps those stars could have jumped off sooner or said, listen guys I will be more than happy to take a pay cut to save the show! And they would end up in Pop’s Soda Bar or some such place, or is it like all our senators and congressmen who would not refuse to stop taking their COLAS and also receive the best healthcare in the nation even though they think that social security is just great without its COLAS since for the rest of us there are no cost of living increases, and that Medicare is honkey dory too but is costing too much federally so it must be tampered with to adjust so people don’t think tis a free ride! And yes unemployment is still high and people do need help, but none of them would think of sharing what they have
Oops did I say all that…YES I DID!

But don’t go by me I am only An American Minority who is disabled that has no medical and no social security and I am being ‘kept’ by my Hubby for over forty years now although I did work for a large portion of them and so I get by, but what about the others?

A lot to digest, huh?

I know you can do it, in reality we all have to.

On those provocative concepts let me be the first to wish you all a very happy good night and to kindly ask you to count those blessings and share those overages and we will too!

And next time be here or be square, OK?

PS Happy Friday the thirteenth, see it wasn’t that bad, or was it?

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