Saturday, March 12, 2011


Although, my eyesight has been rather iffy to date; I thought I would give a go at trying to read again, no books on tape for me, yet!

For those of you who have no idea of what I mean about my eyesight being compromised well let me explain, my right eye has Optic Neuritis and that sight did not return from its IV infusions of the 1000MG of Solu-Medrol for three days of last August and my recent cranial MRI of a month or so ago said it would not be anytime in the near future either, and lefty, my eye that did have cataract surgery the day of the Haitian Earthquake last January 12th, 2010 and was given a reading lens but on check was found to have a few little problems with floaters and a freckle which the eye surgery doc will be checking into again next week… And lefty has taken it upon itself to play now you see and now you don’t with me, got that?

Any-who, and so when we went over this past week to the Cultural Center I do believe we mentioned that we also went over to our branch of the library there.
Yes, I think I did.

And while there we borrowed five books, sadly though in my heyday I was a remarkable a book-a-day reader and so with these nasty eye problems it has set me back a bit in the reading material enjoyment game, not withstanding to really count those short news items of course or magazine articles in the interim that I have imbibed on as voraciously as a true lover/gobbler of information does!

And so I have taken on the most fun objective of reading one of my favorite author’s newest releases Patricia Cornwell’s, Port Mortuary, and although I was slow coming out of the gate with blurriness as my enemy that did create sleepiness as well I have been able to catch up to a fairly nice tempo with the story at hand. From reading only thirty four pages the first try to one hundred and twenty-two more on my second go at it! Only three hundred and thirty-nine more to go... TA DA! Without even a net, amazing! There goes another one of those expressions I love so much… “Where there is a will there is always a way”, huh? I do feel that my incentive is in knowing somewhat the background of her characters, like family that you know and are just catching up with their latest escapades. That is why I find my favorite authors stimulate that need to finish no matter what humps or hoops I have to jump through to finish and to find out how that old gang of theirs is going to come to their tidy endings. I just love all those neat tie up of loose ends they all do so astutely! Of course the beginnings are always riveting and make your need to read on like a drug that you will die without, and the climaxes in the middles are just so daring and tend to crescendo down to those exciting finales!
Yes, I love those books the most that the characters are all so familiar they are the ones that make you keep coming back for more and more and more!
To date most of my authors are prolific in the writing biz and so I have much to look forward to… as long as my sight holds out… but then there is always those 'BOOKS ON TAPE', huh?
Where there is a will there is always a way and so read!
It does really help to take you on a short trip away from every-days horrors and realities, but just for a little while, since we all must deal with life daily as you all know even with its occasional harshness.

On that idea of how to calm your nerves of the recent news that is so horrendous, let me be the first to wish you a very happy good night and to ask you to kindly count those blessings and share those overages with anyone you know who needs them and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

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