Sunday, March 13, 2011


Definition of –A-THON: An event or activity lasting a long time or involving a great deal of something; simply put, thanks to Webster’s online dictionary.
How many times have we heard that suffix used on this or that?
Many people we know or even ourselves have been involved in marathons, read-a-thons, and telethons, even dance-a-thons and the like.
Anyone with a heart or desire to be involved in something worthwhile more than likely has been a part of those types of ‘A-thons’; since most are used to benefit a non-profit organization to help the victims of any of the ills entitled, at times. But let us not forget the educational ones that just call upon us to learn more, such as the ‘read-a-thon’ that is on the list above. I am very sure there are many more types of a-thons but right now my mind has gone blank … a-thon…is there such a thing?

Moving on…

“Better safe than sorry,” an idiom from 1837 and so once again natural disasters have shown to teach us to be cautious in a possible lethal situation and if warned by legitimate authorities we should know to listen immediately! If nothing else… these last several years have taught us nothing but that.

Early warning systems are there for the public to pay attention to. Here in hurricane country when years have passed without incident some become cavalier about authoritative initiatives for us to heed their warnings in impending disasters. Sadly, I hope so much that all this misery of ‘natural disasters’ are not a precursor to us as well with a vicious hurricane season in our near future? (Our hurricane season which is June 1 – November 30th each and every year.)

Please people don’t become complacent, which is my biggest worry that is the forgetfulness of those who were just missed by a few miles when we had those two summers of hurricanes in 2004 and 2005 that hit deadly and violently where they chose to target. But many who were just lucky enough to be missed have no real ability to understand what we the ones who weren’t as lucky went through and they may not take the admonitions as seriously as they should. Oh sure, they can visit in the aftermath or go and help but being in it as it happens is the worse memory of all…and many still have Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome not unlike those who have been to war.

Japan was extremely high tech in their warning systems and even so many have lost their lives to the power of the events, but even so it would have been so much worse if all did not listen to their in place systems.

Today Hubby and I took a quiet day and did laundry and had our own read-a-thon, and yes I am moving right along with my marathon read of my latest novel, Geez that sounds so good and so normal to say that! Who would have thunk it that something so simple would mean so much to anyone, huh?
But isn’t that usually the case; simple things is what we all love in the long run in our lives, really?
On that not too difficult an idea to ponder let me be the first to wish you all a very happy good night and to kindly ask you to count those blessings and share those overages and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

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