Friday, March 11, 2011


Did you all know that the word, ‘PRAY’ was much more encompassing than meaning to speak to G-d, the almighty, he or she, Jesus Christ or Allah whomever you believe in?
It is more versatile than that it also means to implore, plead, beg, ask, entreat, request, urge and call upon or mediate, contemplate, hope, wish or yearn and last but not least to crave? How about that?

The reason I brought that up tonight is because this multifaceted word this evening is due to the ‘natural’ ( Why is nature so violent, please tell me?) devastating disaster that had the disrespect to try to destroy a nation that has so much to offer to the world, Japan, an ally of us here in the US of A.
Strength of such a place has had its ups and downs… Why I can remember as a child when something said it was made in Japan that, at that time, meant less than quality in that product and we would kid that it probably would break very soon. But what an amazing turn around that country has made over the years becoming the BEST in technology; and even with a few glitches still well respected in the automotive field as well as with several different companies.
A double horror has occurred in this place today that has modernized to the point of making the rest of the world drool with jealously over so many capabilities, including educating their children!
Scandalous that they should be so undone with these an 8.9 earthquake and Tsunami to steal the lives of so many, a count now of over a thousand at this writing and still counting and their infrastructure too, the island has moved eight feet to the east, oh what power it was!
The countless movies of the happening as it occurred seem so unreal like watching a disaster movie!
Shocking and heartbreaking is all anyone can say…
Help is needed and to all who want to help here in the US or even abroad I am sure you can contact your local Red Cross:

That is half the battle not knowing what to do in these situations, well we all know that the title of tonight’s blog can only help, not hurt but donating whatever you can to any organization that you know is legit! And you should be cautious that is why I mentioned the Red Cross which is world renowned for their work and honesty with distributing the monies collected and physically going in and helping.
It looks like the rest of the tsunamis dreaded waves toward Hawaii and the west coast of the United States were not as severe as first expected, thankfully!
And so now we can all concentrate on whom really does need us, Japan.
Sadly we are becoming pros in this devastating natural disaster thingy; when will it all stop?
I asked all those patriarchs (and a matriarch too) in my first paragraph of this litany.
We as a planet must understand that these horrors are not of the making from the judgmental hierarchies that we put above all else.
Oh no, this is nasty Mother Nature testing our resolve, yes to see if we as a family of mankind and womankind can work together in love and peace to save us all!
Nah, but wouldn’t that be a reason to care if you didn’t already?

I know no one can be made to be what they are not…I am the first in line with that singing song, but just think about what I said only last night about the Golden Rule, and that my friends is what true compassion is…

Thinking about others and ways to go about helping those in need is your assignment for the next several months and please dear friends do me a favor and let me know what you did, OK? Because turning a deaf ear or pretending this has nothing to do with you is foolish, since we are all in the family of man (and woman) and as we all know we are our brothers and sisters keepers, true?

Something to ponder, huh, and I would definitely be the first to say?
Now let me be the first to wish you all a very happy good night and to count your blessings and share those overages with JAPAN and we will too!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear?

Think of it this way; someone is always listening, huh?

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