Monday, July 30, 2018


Typically, headlines try to grab your attention and that is why sometimes what you read at first might appear to be a misdirect?
Not totally dishonest.
Nor against principles, but "eye catching" is what it is known to be and beneficial for that aspect of journalistic competency to attract a reader.

Smoke and mirrors are deceitful and not acceptable in journalism, so in this title using the word concept of "trickery" is a fine line of informing with a hook... like man bites dog, is a different take on the ordinary of the usual other way around of that that is commonplace like, the dog that bites the man, get it?

The title "trickery" would also be fair and legit to use as the announcement of an item on magicians, true?

Enough already with my concept of good ways or ideas for getting people's attention.
I'm no pro.
Not at all.

So if you are reading this, maybe I could be.
Silly is as silly does, WHAT?????
Distracting myself and thought I would bring you along for the ride.

Moving on...

The news announced that we, in Punta Gorda Florida, have the cheapest gas in the area, by as much as twenty cents a gallon.
So what does that say about this segment of southwest Florida?
Come on down to get cheap gas?
Dare I say too many beaches are closed due to too high bacteria levels.
Our usual tourist pull.
Oh well.

Not good.

Now do you understand why the need for mind vacays...besides the political anguish.

Happy good night all!

And next time please be here or be square, ya hear!


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